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© 2021, V10.4

Installation Guide

  1. Download the JDK JavaSE from Sun's Website ( and install it.

  2. Download the Wireless Toolkit (WTK) from Sun's Website and install it. Remember the installation root directory <wtkroot> (e.g. c:\wtk25)

  3. Download from Extract MidPak.jar and copy it in any folder.

  4. MidPak uses a simple mechanism to determine the version of configuration, profile and optional APIs you want to use: create any folder (e.g. <wtkroot>\lib\midpak) and copy the necessary jar files from <wtkroot>\lib into this folder. (The J2ME library jars are normally found in <wtkroot>\lib.)

    For CLDC (Connected Limited Device Configuration) and MIDP2.0 (Mobile Information Device Version 2.0) the files are named cldcapi11.jar and


    Typical additional APIs are
    wma20.jar Wireless Messaging API
    jsr082.jar Java API for Bluetooth
    jsr75.jar FileConnection package

    (When using the Gidlet framework, the above 5 files are necessary.)

  5. For a user provided jar library (e.g. for the Gidlet framework gidlet.jar) create a folder (e.g. c:\jars) and copy the jar file into it.

  6. In your favorite editor/IDE adapt the command line for compilation. Include the
    necessary jars in the -bootclasspath option (semicolon separated, no spaces). Use
    the -source and -target option as shown below. A typical command looks like:

    javac -bootclasspath
    -source 1.3 -target 1.1 <JavaFiles> -d <OutputPath>

    (all on the same line, <> must be replaced by your concrete project designators)

  7. In your favorite editor/IDE create a tool that spawns MidPak. Consult the command line parameter description of MidPak to inform you how to construct the command line, typically is:

    java -jar c:\ut\midpak.jar -e -i=c:\jars\gidlet.jar <currentclassname> <projectdirectory> c:\wtk25 c:\wtk25\lib\midpak

    (all on the same line, <> must be replaced by your concrete project designators)


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