Module Gear :: Class Gear
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Class Gear

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object --+

Class that represents the combination of two motors on an axis to perform a car-like movement.

Instance Methods [hide private]
Creates a gear instance.
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forward(self, duration=0)
Starts the forward rotation with preset speed.
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backward(self, duration=0)
Starts the backward rotation with preset speed.
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left(self, duration=0)
Starts turning left with right motor rotating forward and left motor rotating backward at preset speed.
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right(self, duration=0)
Starts turning right with left motor rotating forward and right motor rotating backward at preset speed.
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leftArc(self, radius, duration=0)
Starts turning to the left on an arc with given radius (in m) with preset speed.
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leftArcMilli(self, radius, duration=0)
Same as leftArc(radius, duration), but radius in mm @param radius in mm
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rightArc(self, radius, duration=0)
Starts turning to the right on an arc with given radius (in m) with preset speed.
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rightArcMilli(self, radius, duration=0)
Sama as rightArc(radius, duration), but radius in mm @param radius in mm
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Stops the gear.
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setSpeed(self, speed)
Sets the speed to the given value (arbitrary units).
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speedToDutyCycle(self, speed)
Linear relationship for mapping speed 0..100 to duty cycle
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_checkRobot(self) source code

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


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Creates a gear instance.

Overrides: object.__init__

forward(self, duration=0)

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Starts the forward rotation with preset speed. If duration = 0, the method returns immediately, while the rotation continues. Otherwise the method blocks until the duration is expired. Then the gear stops.

  • duration (int) - if greater than 0, the method blocks for the given duration (in ms)

backward(self, duration=0)

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Starts the backward rotation with preset speed. If duration = 0, the method returns immediately, while the rotation continues. Otherwise the method blocks until the duration is expired. Then the gear stops. @param duration if greater than 0, the method blocks for the given duration (in ms)

left(self, duration=0)

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Starts turning left with right motor rotating forward and left motor rotating backward at preset speed. If duration = 0, the method returns immediately, while the rotation continues. Otherwise the method blocks until the duration is expired. Then the gear stops. @param duration if greater than 0, the method blocks for the given duration (in ms)

right(self, duration=0)

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Starts turning right with left motor rotating forward and right motor rotating backward at preset speed. If duration = 0, the method returns immediately, while the rotation continues. Otherwise the method blocks until the duration is expired. Then the gear stops. @param duration if greater than 0, the method blocks for the given duration (in ms)

leftArc(self, radius, duration=0)

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Starts turning to the left on an arc with given radius (in m) with preset speed. If duration = 0, the method returns immediately, while the rotation continues. Otherwise the method blocks until the duration is expired. Then the gear stops. If the radius is negative, turns left backwards.

  • duration

rightArc(self, radius, duration=0)

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Starts turning to the right on an arc with given radius (in m) with preset speed. If duration = 0, the method returns immediately, while the rotation continues. Otherwise the method blocks until the duration is expired. Then the gear stops. If the radius is negative, turns right backwards.

  • duration


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Stops the gear. (If gear is already stopped, returns immediately.)

setSpeed(self, speed)

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Sets the speed to the given value (arbitrary units). The speed will be changed to the new value at the next movement call only. The speed is limited to 0..100.

  • speed - the new speed 0..100