Module Gear
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Source Code for Module Gear

  1  # 
  3  ''' 
  4  Class that represents the combination of two motors on an axis 
  5  to perform a car-like movement. 
  7   This software is part of the raspibrick module. 
  8   It is Open Source Free Software, so you may 
  9   - run the code for any purpose 
 10   - study how the code works and adapt it to your needs 
 11   - integrate all or parts of the code in your own programs 
 12   - redistribute copies of the code 
 13   - improve the code and release your improvements to the public 
 14   However the use of the code is entirely your responsibility. 
 15   ''' 
 18  from Tools import Tools 
 19  import SharedConstants 
 20  from RobotInstance import RobotInstance 
22 -class GearState():
23 FORWARD = 0 24 BACKWARD = 1 25 STOPPED = 2 26 LEFT = 3 27 RIGHT = 4 28 LEFTARC = 5 29 RIGHTARC = 6 30 UNDEFINED = 7
31 32 # ------------------------ Class Gear --------------------------------------------------
33 -class Gear(object):
34 ''' 35 Class that represents the combination of two motors on an axis 36 to perform a car-like movement. 37 '''
38 - def __init__(self):
39 ''' 40 Creates a gear instance. 41 ''' 42 self.speed = SharedConstants.GEAR_DEFAULT_SPEED 43 self.state = GearState.UNDEFINED 44 self.arcRadius = 0 45 Tools.debug("Gear instance created")
47 - def forward(self, duration = 0):
48 ''' 49 Starts the forward rotation with preset speed. 50 If duration = 0, the method returns immediately, while the rotation continues. 51 Otherwise the method blocks until the duration is expired. Then the gear stops. 52 @param duration: if greater than 0, the method blocks for the given duration (in ms) 53 @type duration: int 54 ''' 55 Tools.debug("Calling Gear.forward() with speed " + str(self.speed)) 56 self._checkRobot() 57 if self.state != GearState.FORWARD: 58 leftDuty = self.speedToDutyCycle(self.speed + SharedConstants.GEAR_FORWARD_SPEED_DIFF) 59 rightDuty = self.speedToDutyCycle(self.speed) 60 SharedConstants.LEFT_MOTOR_PWM[0].ChangeDutyCycle(leftDuty) 61 SharedConstants.LEFT_MOTOR_PWM[1].ChangeDutyCycle(0) 62 SharedConstants.RIGHT_MOTOR_PWM[0].ChangeDutyCycle(rightDuty) 63 SharedConstants.RIGHT_MOTOR_PWM[1].ChangeDutyCycle(0) 64 self.state = GearState.FORWARD 65 if duration > 0: 66 Tools.delay(duration) 67 self.stop()
69 - def backward(self, duration = 0):
70 ''' 71 Starts the backward rotation with preset speed. 72 If duration = 0, the method returns immediately, while the rotation continues. 73 Otherwise the method blocks until the duration is expired. Then the gear stops. 74 @param duration if greater than 0, the method blocks for the given duration (in ms) 75 ''' 76 Tools.debug("Calling Gear.backward() with speed " + str(self.speed)) 77 self._checkRobot() 78 if self.state != GearState.BACKWARD: 79 leftDuty = self.speedToDutyCycle(self.speed + SharedConstants.GEAR_BACKWARD_SPEED_DIFF) 80 rightDuty = self.speedToDutyCycle(self.speed) 81 SharedConstants.LEFT_MOTOR_PWM[0].ChangeDutyCycle(0) 82 SharedConstants.LEFT_MOTOR_PWM[1].ChangeDutyCycle(leftDuty) 83 SharedConstants.RIGHT_MOTOR_PWM[0].ChangeDutyCycle(0) 84 SharedConstants.RIGHT_MOTOR_PWM[1].ChangeDutyCycle(rightDuty) 85 self.state = GearState.BACKWARD 86 if duration > 0: 87 Tools.delay(duration) 88 self.stop()
90 - def left(self, duration = 0):
91 ''' 92 Starts turning left with right motor rotating forward and 93 left motor rotating backward at preset speed. 94 If duration = 0, the method returns immediately, while the rotation continues. 95 Otherwise the method blocks until the duration is expired. Then the gear stops. 96 @param duration if greater than 0, the method blocks for the given duration (in ms) 97 ''' 98 Tools.debug("Calling Gear.left()") 99 self._checkRobot() 100 if self.state != GearState.LEFT: 101 duty = self.speedToDutyCycle(self.speed) 102 duty = self.speedToDutyCycle(self.speed) 103 SharedConstants.LEFT_MOTOR_PWM[0].ChangeDutyCycle(0) 104 SharedConstants.LEFT_MOTOR_PWM[1].ChangeDutyCycle(duty) 105 SharedConstants.RIGHT_MOTOR_PWM[0].ChangeDutyCycle(duty) 106 SharedConstants.RIGHT_MOTOR_PWM[1].ChangeDutyCycle(0) 107 self.state = GearState.LEFT 108 if duration > 0: 109 Tools.delay(duration) 110 self.stop()
112 - def right(self, duration = 0):
113 ''' 114 Starts turning right with left motor rotating forward and 115 right motor rotating backward at preset speed. 116 If duration = 0, the method returns immediately, while the rotation continues. 117 Otherwise the method blocks until the duration is expired. Then the gear stops. 118 @param duration if greater than 0, the method blocks for the given duration (in ms) 119 ''' 120 Tools.debug("Calling Gear.right()") 121 self._checkRobot() 122 if self.state != GearState.RIGHT: 123 duty = self.speedToDutyCycle(self.speed) 124 SharedConstants.LEFT_MOTOR_PWM[0].ChangeDutyCycle(duty) 125 SharedConstants.LEFT_MOTOR_PWM[1].ChangeDutyCycle(0) 126 SharedConstants.RIGHT_MOTOR_PWM[0].ChangeDutyCycle(0) 127 SharedConstants.RIGHT_MOTOR_PWM[1].ChangeDutyCycle(duty) 128 self.state = GearState.RIGHT 129 if duration > 0: 130 Tools.delay(duration) 131 self.stop()
133 - def leftArc(self, radius, duration = 0):
134 ''' 135 Starts turning to the left on an arc with given radius (in m) with preset speed. 136 If duration = 0, the method returns immediately, while the rotation continues. 137 Otherwise the method blocks until the duration is expired. Then the gear stops. 138 If the radius is negative, turns left backwards. 139 @param duration: 140 @return: 141 ''' 142 Tools.debug("Calling Gear.leftArc() with radius: " + str(radius)) 143 self._checkRobot() 144 speed1 = \ 145 self.speed * (abs(radius) - SharedConstants.GEAR_AXE_LENGTH) / (abs(radius) + SharedConstants.GEAR_AXE_LENGTH) 146 Tools.debug("Calling leftArc(). Left speed: " + str(speed1) + ". Right speed: " + str(self.speed)) 147 if self.state != GearState.LEFTARC or radius != self.arcRadius: 148 self.arcRadius = radius 149 leftDuty = self.speedToDutyCycle(speed1) 150 rightDuty = self.speedToDutyCycle(self.speed) 151 if radius >= 0: 152 SharedConstants.LEFT_MOTOR_PWM[0].ChangeDutyCycle(leftDuty) 153 SharedConstants.LEFT_MOTOR_PWM[1].ChangeDutyCycle(0) 154 SharedConstants.RIGHT_MOTOR_PWM[0].ChangeDutyCycle(rightDuty) 155 SharedConstants.RIGHT_MOTOR_PWM[1].ChangeDutyCycle(0) 156 else: 157 SharedConstants.LEFT_MOTOR_PWM[0].ChangeDutyCycle(0) 158 SharedConstants.LEFT_MOTOR_PWM[1].ChangeDutyCycle(rightDuty) 159 SharedConstants.RIGHT_MOTOR_PWM[0].ChangeDutyCycle(0) 160 SharedConstants.RIGHT_MOTOR_PWM[1].ChangeDutyCycle(leftDuty) 161 self.state = GearState.LEFTARC 162 if duration > 0: 163 Tools.delay(duration) 164 self.stop()
166 - def leftArcMilli(self, radius, duration = 0):
167 ''' 168 Same as leftArc(radius, duration), but radius in mm 169 @param radius in mm 170 ''' 171 self.leftArc(radius / 1000.0, duration)
173 - def rightArc(self, radius, duration = 0):
174 ''' 175 Starts turning to the right on an arc with given radius (in m) with preset speed. 176 If duration = 0, the method returns immediately, while the rotation continues. 177 Otherwise the method blocks until the duration is expired. Then the gear stops. 178 If the radius is negative, turns right backwards. 179 @param duration: 180 ''' 181 Tools.debug("Calling Gear.rigthArc() with radius: " + str(radius)) 182 self._checkRobot() 183 speed1 = \ 184 self.speed * (abs(radius) - SharedConstants.GEAR_AXE_LENGTH) / (abs(radius) + SharedConstants.GEAR_AXE_LENGTH) 185 Tools.debug("Calling rightArc(). Left speed: " + str(self.speed) + ". Right speed: " + str(speed1)) 186 if self.state != GearState.RIGHTARC or self.arcRadius != radius: 187 self.arcRadius = radius 188 leftDuty = self.speedToDutyCycle(self.speed) 189 rightDuty = self.speedToDutyCycle(speed1) 190 if radius >= 0: 191 SharedConstants.LEFT_MOTOR_PWM[0].ChangeDutyCycle(leftDuty) 192 SharedConstants.LEFT_MOTOR_PWM[1].ChangeDutyCycle(0) 193 SharedConstants.RIGHT_MOTOR_PWM[0].ChangeDutyCycle(rightDuty) 194 SharedConstants.RIGHT_MOTOR_PWM[1].ChangeDutyCycle(0) 195 else: 196 SharedConstants.LEFT_MOTOR_PWM[0].ChangeDutyCycle(0) 197 SharedConstants.LEFT_MOTOR_PWM[1].ChangeDutyCycle(rightDuty) 198 SharedConstants.RIGHT_MOTOR_PWM[0].ChangeDutyCycle(0) 199 SharedConstants.RIGHT_MOTOR_PWM[1].ChangeDutyCycle(leftDuty) 200 self.state = GearState.RIGHTARC 201 if duration > 0: 202 Tools.delay(duration) 203 self.stop()
205 - def rightArcMilli(self, radius, duration = 0):
206 ''' 207 Sama as rightArc(radius, duration), but radius in mm 208 @param radius in mm 209 ''' 210 self.rightArc(radius / 1000.0, duration)
212 - def stop(self):
213 ''' 214 Stops the gear. 215 (If gear is already stopped, returns immediately.) 216 ''' 217 Tools.debug("Calling Gear.stop()") 218 self._checkRobot() 219 if self.state != GearState.STOPPED: 220 SharedConstants.LEFT_MOTOR_PWM[0].ChangeDutyCycle(0) 221 SharedConstants.LEFT_MOTOR_PWM[1].ChangeDutyCycle(0) 222 SharedConstants.RIGHT_MOTOR_PWM[0].ChangeDutyCycle(0) 223 SharedConstants.RIGHT_MOTOR_PWM[1].ChangeDutyCycle(0) 224 self.state = GearState.STOPPED
226 - def setSpeed(self, speed):
227 ''' 228 Sets the speed to the given value (arbitrary units). 229 The speed will be changed to the new value at the next movement call only. 230 The speed is limited to 0..100. 231 @param speed: the new speed 0..100 232 ''' 233 Tools.debug("Calling Gear.setSpeed with speed: " + str(speed)) 234 if self.speed == speed: 235 return 236 if speed > 100: 237 speed = 100 238 if speed < 0: 239 speed = 0 240 self.speed = speed 241 self.state = GearState.UNDEFINED
243 - def speedToDutyCycle(self, speed):
244 ''' 245 Linear relationship for mapping speed 0..100 to duty cycle 246 ''' 247 if speed < 0: 248 return 0 249 elif speed > 100: 250 return 100 251 return speed
253 - def _checkRobot(self):
254 if RobotInstance.getRobot() == None: 255 raise Exception("Create Robot instance first")