Package ch.aplu.jgamegrid

Package of the JGameGrid framework for developing simulations and games with a focus on education.


Interface Summary
GGActListener Declarations of the notification method called in every simulation cycle.
GGActorCollisionListener Declarations of the notification method called when two actors collide.
GGBorderListener Declarations of the notification method called when the actor is at a border cell.
GGButtonListener Declarations of the notification method called when a push button is pressed, released or clicked using the left mouse button.
GGButtonOverListener Declarations of the notification method called when the move enters and exits the active mouse area of a push or toggle button.
GGCheckButtonListener Declarations of the notification method called when a check button changes state caused by a mouse click.
GGExitListener Declaration of a notification method called when the title bar close button is hit.
GGKeyListener Declarations of the notification method called when a key is pressed or released.
GGKeyRepeatListener Declarations of a notification method called when a key is pressed and held down.
GGMouseListener Declarations of the notification method called by mouse events.
GGMouseTouchListener Declarations of the notification method called when the mouse interacts with the actor's mouse touch area.
GGNavigationListener Declarations of the notification method called when the navigation panel is used.
GGRadioButtonListener Declarations of the notification method called when a radio button changes state caused by a mouse click.
GGResetListener Declarations of the notification method called when the reset button is hit.
GGTileCollisionListener Declarations of the notification method called when two actors collide.
GGToggleButtonListener Declarations of the notification method called when a toggle button changes state caused by a mouse click.
GGWindowStateListener Declaration of notifications method that reports when the state of the window changes.
ToolBarListener Declaration of callback methods called for tool bar item events.

Class Summary
Actor Class that holds sprite icons that plays the role of an actor in the game's game grid.
GameGrid Class to create a container where the actors live in.
GameGridBeanInfo A bean info class derived from SimpleBeanInfo in order to restrict the visible properties of bean class GameGrid
GGBackground Class for drawing into the GameGrid background using Java Graphics2D methods.
GGBitmap Class to provide drawing methods for creating a bitmap image and some static helper methods for image loading and transformation.
GGButton Class that implements a button actor with standard behavior.
GGButtonBase Abstract superclass of all button types.
GGCheckButton Class that implements a check button actor with standard behavior.
GGCircle Class representing a circle in the x-y-plane with a center vector and a radius (all doubles).
GGInputDouble Class to provide a modal dialog with one text field and a Ok and Cancel button based on JOptionPane with type verification.
GGInputInt Class to provide a modal dialog with one text field and a Ok and Cancel button based on JOptionPane with type verification.
GGInputLong Class to provide a modal dialog with one text field and a Ok and Cancel button based on JOptionPane with type verification.
GGInputString Class to provide a modal dialog with one text field and a Ok and Cancel button based on JOptionPane.
GGKeyAdapter Implementation of empty methods of GGKeyListener.
GGLine Class representing a line segment.
GGMaze This class creates a random maze in a two-dimensional grid of cells.
GGMouse Singleton class used to report mouse events.
GGNavigationAdapter Implementation of empty methods of GGNavigationListener.
GGPanel Class derived from GGBackground with a user-definable double coordinate system.
GGPath GGPath is a helper class that simplifies file operations.
GGProgressBar Class that implements a progress bar indicator.
GGProperties Helper class to simplify storage and retrieval of persistent data.
GGRadioButton Class that implements a radio button actor with standard behavior.
GGRadioButtonGroup A radio button group contains a certain number of radio buttons.
GGRectangle Class representing a rotatable rectangle.
GGTextField Class to provide a dynamically created line of text shown in a game grid window.
GGTileMap Class that implements a tile map, e.g. an arragement of rectangular images of the same size like tiles on a floor.
GGToggleButton Class that implements a toggle button (2-state button) actor with standard behavior.
GGVector Class representing a two-dimensional vector with double coordinates (x, y).
GGWindowStateAdapter Implementation of empty methods of GGWindowStateListener.
Location Class to represent the position of a cell (in cell coordinates).
Main Main contains a public static void main() entry point and is able to create an instance of another class (by Java reflection), so that its default contructor is invoked.
PackageInfo Class to provide the current package version.
TextActor Class that implements an actor to display text dynamically.
ToolBar Class to represent a linear bar of item.
ToolBarAdapter Empty implementation of callback methods called for tool bar item events.
ToolBarItem A class to represent actors used for tool bar items.
ToolBarSeparator A class to represent actors used for tool bar items.
ToolBarStack Class that represents a stack of items (e.g. card symbols with the same suit (in rank order).
ToolBarText A class to represent a text actor used for tool bar items.

Enum Summary
GameGrid.ClosingMode Modes to determine what happens when the title bar close button is hit.
GGSound Enumeration of all system sounds.
Location.CompassDirection Class to represent the 8 compass directions.

Annotation Types Summary
NoMain Annotation definition for applications with no public static void main() method.

Package ch.aplu.jgamegrid Description

Package of the JGameGrid framework for developing simulations and games with a focus on education.

Author: Aegidius Pluess,