Class Actor

  extended by ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
All Implemented Interfaces:
GGActorCollisionListener, GGBorderListener, GGTileCollisionListener, java.util.EventListener
Direct Known Subclasses:
CardActor, CardCover, GGButtonBase, TextActor, ToolBarItem

public class Actor
extends java.lang.Object
implements GGBorderListener, GGActorCollisionListener, GGTileCollisionListener

Class that holds sprite icons that plays the role of an actor in the game's game grid. The actor's image may only be positioned in the center of cells. (for even pixel unit cells/and or even pixel unit images, some rounding is necessary.) For one pixel unit cells, the actor image is positioned at the pixel coordinates. An actor may contain more than one sprite. This is useful if the appearence of the actor should change, while remaining the same actor (walking, speaking, flying, etc.). The sprites are referenced by an integer sprite id running from 0 up. All sprites of an actor are positioned at the same location with the same direction. At all times only one (or none) of the sprites is visible. If an actor is declared rotatable, the sprite images are rotated when the actor direction changes. To speed-up execution the images are preloaded into the Java heap when the actor is created. By default there are 60 different rotation images giving an angle resolution of 360 / 60 = 6 degrees. (This number may be changed using a special GameGrid constructor.) If there are many rotatable sprites with big images, it may be necessary to increase the heap space by using

java -Xms -Xmx
Defaults are: java -Xms32m -Xmx128m
You can set this either in the Java Control Panel or on the command line, depending on the environment you run your application.

Actors are partially active objects, animated by the same thread that runs the simulation loop. In every simulation cycle, the actor's act() method is called, where the user performs the desired action. This concept has the advantage that act() is called in a strict order (that can be modified) and by the same thread. This avoids concurrency problems that is an issue with fully active object where each object has its own thread. As a drawback all actors must be cooperative: act() must return quickly in order to give other actors the chance to act. If actors should not act synchronously, the execution may be skipped for a given number of simulation cycles by using individually setSlowDown()

A advanced collision detection mechanism for collisions betweeen actors or between an actor an a tile of a tile map is implemented. The collision may be detected using collision rectangles, collision circles, collision spots and for some collision types collisions of non-transparent image pixels. Collision rectangles, circles and spots may be placed at any desired position (rectangles and circles with specified size) relative to the sprite image. The collision area rotates when the sprites rotates. Much effort is investigated for a high speed implementation of the collision detection, using the SAT (Separating Axis Theorem) for rotated rectangle intersection.
To speed up the collision system, each actor defines actors or tiles that are candidates for collisions. Collisions are considered to be events and are notified by a registrated GGActorCollisionListener or a registrated GGTileCollisionListener

The collision check is performed in every simulation cycle and the collision event callback invoked by the game thread after actor's act() invocation. The default collision area is a rectangle that fits the actor image. If performance is an issue, use circle-circle collision type.

Collision areas are considered to be part of the sprite image and stored as such. Because actors with the same sprite image have the same collision area, modifying a collision area effects all actors with the same sprite.

Most methods are only valid after the actor has been added to the GameGrid. At this time reset() is called. So perform your own initialization code by overriding reset() or in the first act() cycle.

All public methods are synchronized to make them thread-safe.

Field Summary
 GameGrid gameGrid
          The reference to the GameGrid instance.
 int nbCycles
          The current number of simulation cycles since last reset.
Constructor Summary
          Constructs an actor with no sprite image.
Actor(boolean isRotatable, java.awt.image.BufferedImage... spriteImages)
          Constructs an actor based on one several sprite images defined by the given buffered images.
Actor(boolean isRotatable, java.awt.image.BufferedImage spriteImage)
          Constructs actor based on the specified buffered image.
Actor(boolean isRotatable, java.lang.String... filenames)
          Constructs an actor based on one several sprite images.
Actor(boolean isRotatable, java.lang.String filename)
          Constructs an actor based on the specified sprite image.
Actor(boolean isRotatable, java.lang.String filename, int nbSprites)
          Constructs an actor based on one or more sprite images.
Actor(java.awt.image.BufferedImage... spriteImages)
          Constructs an unrotatable actor based on one or several sprite images defined by the given buffered images.
Actor(java.awt.image.BufferedImage spriteImage)
          Constructs an unrotatable actor based on the specified sprite image.
Actor(java.lang.String... filenames)
          Constructs an unrotatable actor based on several sprite images.
Actor(java.lang.String filename)
          Constructs an unrotatable actor based on the specified sprite image.
Actor(java.lang.String filename, int nbSprites)
          Constructs an unrotatable actor based on one or more sprite images.
Method Summary
 void act()
          Empty method called in every simulation iteration.
 void addActorCollisionListener(GGActorCollisionListener listener)
          Registers a collision listener that reports collision events when actors collide.
 void addBorderListener(GGBorderListener listener)
          Registers an GGBorderListener so that the callback method nearBorder() is called when the actor's location is on a cell at the border of the game grid.
 void addCollisionActor(Actor partner)
          Registers a partner actor that becomes a collision candidate, e.g. that is checked for collisions in every simulation cycle.
 void addCollisionActors(Actor[] partners)
          Registers all actors in a list as collision candidates.
 void addCollisionActors(java.util.ArrayList<Actor> partners)
          Registers all actors in a list as collision candidates.
 void addCollisionTile(Location location)
          Registers a tile location that becomes a collision candidate, e.g. that is checked for collisions in every simulation cycle.
 void addCollisionTiles(java.util.ArrayList<Location> locations)
          Registers all tile locations in a list as collision candidates.
 void addCollisionTiles(Location[] locations)
          Registers all tile locations in a list as collision candidates.
 void addMouseTouchListener(GGMouseTouchListener listener, int mouseEventMask)
          Same as addMouseTouchListener(listener, mouseEventMask, onTopOnly) with onTopOnly = false.
 void addMouseTouchListener(GGMouseTouchListener listener, int mouseEventMask, boolean onTopOnly)
          Add a GGMouseTouchListener to get notifications when the mouse interacts with the mouse touch area.
 void addTileCollisionListener(GGTileCollisionListener listener)
          Registers a tile listener that reports collision events when actors and tiles collide.
 int collide(Actor actor1, Actor actor2)
          Empty implementation of a GGActorCollisionListener called when the two actors collides.
 int collide(Actor actor, Location location)
          Empty implementation of a GGTileCollisionListener called when the an actor collides with a tile.
static void delay(long time)
          Delay execution for the given amount of time.
 void displace(double ds)
          Increases the current double displace position in the current direction to the given double distance and moves the actor in the cell that contains the given coordinates.
 GGBackground getBackground()
          Returns the GGBackground reference of the actor's game grid.
 java.util.ArrayList<Actor> getCollisionActors()
          Returns a list of partners that are collision candidates.
 java.util.ArrayList<Actor> getCollisionActorsInRange(double radius, java.lang.Class clazz, int spriteId)
          Returns all collision candidates who belongs to a given class whose collision areas of the image with given sprite id intersects the circle with specified radius.
 java.util.ArrayList<Location> getCollisionTiles()
          Returns a list of tile locations that are collision candidates.
 java.awt.image.BufferedImage getCurrentImage()
          Returns the buffered image of the currently visible sprite picture.
 double getDirection()
          Gets the current direction.
 double getDirectionStart()
          Returns the start direction.
 java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double getDisplacePosition()
          Returns the current displace position.
 int getHeight(int spriteId)
          Returns the height of the sprite with given id.
 int getIdVisible()
          Returns the id of the visible sprite.
 java.awt.image.BufferedImage getImage()
          Returns the buffered image of the originally loaded sprite with id = 0.
 java.awt.image.BufferedImage getImage(int spriteId)
          Returns the buffered image of the originally loaded sprite with given sprite id.
 int getIntDirection()
          Gets the current direction rounded to the next integer.
 Location getLocation()
          Returns the current location (horizontal and vertical coordinates).
 java.awt.Point getLocationOffset()
          Returns the pixel offset in x- and y-direction relative to the current location.
 Location getLocationStart()
          Returns the start location (horizontal and vertical coordinates).
 int getNbCycles()
          Returns the number of simulation cycles since last reset.
 int getNbHorzCells()
          Returns number of cells of actor's game grid in horizontal direction.
 int getNbSprites()
          Returns number of sprites.
 int getNbVertCells()
          Returns number of cells of actor's game grid in vertical direction.
 java.util.ArrayList<Actor> getNeighbours(double distance)
          Returns all actors in a specified distance.
 java.util.ArrayList<Actor> getNeighbours(double distance, java.lang.Class clazz)
          Returns all actors of specified class in a specified distance.
 Location getNextMoveLocation()
          Returns the target location of the next move().
 java.awt.Color getPixelColor(java.awt.Point pt)
          Returns the color of the currently visible sprite image at given pixel position ((0,0) at upper left vertex, x-axis to the right, y-axis downwards).
 java.awt.Point getPixelLocation()
          Returns the location of the actor center in pixel coordinates taking into account the current location offset (default offset is 0).
static GGVector getRotatedPosition(GGVector position, java.awt.Point center, double angle)
          Returns a new position vector of given position vector rotated with given center point by given angle.
 int getRotationIndex()
          Returns the current rotation index for rotatable actors.
static java.awt.image.BufferedImage getScaledImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bi, double factor, double angle)
          Deprecated. Use GGBitmap.getScaledImage instead. GGBitmap.getScaledImage(BufferedImage bi, double factor, double angle)
 java.awt.image.BufferedImage getScaledImage(double factor, double angle)
          Same as getScaledImage(int spriteId, double factor, double angle) with spriteId = 0.
 java.awt.image.BufferedImage getScaledImage(int spriteId, double factor, double angle)
          Returns the sprite image scaled by the given factor and rotated to the given angle.
 int getSlowDown()
          Returns the current slow down factor.
 int getWidth(int spriteId)
          Returns the width of the sprite with given id.
 int getX()
          Returns the current horizontal coordinate.
 int getXStart()
          Returns the x-coordinate of the start location.
 int getY()
          Returns the current vertical coordinate.
 int getYStart()
          Returns the y-coordinate of the start location.
 void hide()
          Turns off the visiblity of this actor (all sprites are hidden, spriteId = -1).
 boolean isActEnabled()
          Returns true, if act() is invoked in every simulation cycle.
 boolean isActorCollisionEnabled()
          Returns true, if collision notification between actors is enabled.
 boolean isHorzMirror()
          Returns the horizontal mirroring state.
 boolean isInGrid()
          Returns true, if the actor's location is inside the grid.
 boolean isMoveValid()
          Returns true, if the next call of move() will put the actor in a cell inside the game grid.
 boolean isNearBorder()
          Returns true, if the current location is on a border row or column.
 boolean isRemoved()
          Returns true, if the actor has been removed (by calling removeSelf() or GameGrid.removeActor()).
 boolean isRotatable()
          Returns whether the actor is rotatable or not.
 boolean isTileCollisionEnabled()
          Returns true, if collision notification between tiles is enabled.
 boolean isVertMirror()
          Returns the vertical mirroring state.
 boolean isVisible()
          Returns true, if the actor is visible.
 void move()
          For a small grid (total number of cells <= 2500 = 50 * 50) moves to one of 8 neighbour cells in the current direction (compass directions 45 degrees wide).
 void move(int distance)
          Moves the given distance in the current direction.
 void nearBorder(Actor actor, Location location)
          Empty implementation of a BorderListener called when the actor is set into a border cell.
 void removeSelf()
          Removes the given actor from the scene, so that act() is not called any more.
 void reset()
          Empty method called when the actor is added to the game grid, the reset button is clicked or doReset() is called.
 void rotate(Location centerLoc, double angle)
          Rotates the actor with given rotation center location by the given angle.
 void rotate(java.awt.Point center, double angle)
          Rotates the actor with given rotation center point by given angle.
 void setActEnabled(boolean enable)
          Enable/disable the invocation of act() in every simulation cycle.
 void setActorCollisionEnabled(boolean enable)
          Enable/disable the detection of collisions with the actor collision candidates.
 void setCollisionCircle(int spriteId, java.awt.Point center, int radius)
          Selects the circle (in pixel units) relative to the sprite image that is used for collision detection.
 void setCollisionCircle(java.awt.Point center, int radius)
          Same as setCollisionCircle(int spriteId, Point center, int radius) for spriteId = 0.
 void setCollisionImage()
          Same as setCollisionImage(int spriteId) for spriteId = 0.
 void setCollisionImage(int spriteId)
          Selects collision detection on non-transparent pixels of the image.
 void setCollisionLine(int spriteId, java.awt.Point startPoint, java.awt.Point endPoint)
          Selects the line segment (in pixel units) relative to the sprite image that is used for collision detection.
 void setCollisionLine(java.awt.Point startPoint, java.awt.Point endPoint)
          Same as setCollisionLine(int spriteId, Point startPoint, Point endPoint) for spriteId = 0.
 void setCollisionRectangle(int spriteId, java.awt.Point center, int width, int height)
          Selects the rectangle (in pixel units) relative to the sprite image that is used for collision detection.
 void setCollisionRectangle(java.awt.Point center, int width, int height)
          Same as setCollisionRectangle(int spriteId, Point center, int width, int height) for spriteId = 0
 void setCollisionSpot(int spriteId, java.awt.Point spot)
          Selects the hot spot (in pixel units) relative to the sprite image that is used for collision detection.
 void setCollisionSpot(java.awt.Point spot)
          Same as setCollisionSpot(int spriteId, Point spot) for spriteId = 0.
 void setDirection(double direction)
          Sets the moving direction.
 void setDirection(Location.CompassDirection compassDir)
          Sets the moving direction to the given compass direction.
 void setDisplacePosition(java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double displacePosition)
          Sets the current displace position and moves the actor in the cell that contains the given coordinates.
 void setHorzMirror(boolean enable)
          If set, the sprite image shown is mirrored horizontally.
 void setLocation(Location location)
          Assigns a new current location.
 void setLocationOffset(int x, int y)
          Same as setLoctionOffset(Point locationOffset) with given x and y displacements.
 void setLocationOffset(java.awt.Point locationOffset)
          Sets a pixel offset in x- any y-direction relative to the current location.
 void setMouseTouchCircle(int spriteId, java.awt.Point center, int radius)
          Selects the circle (in pixel units) relative to the sprite image that is used for mouse touch detection.
 void setMouseTouchCircle(java.awt.Point center, int radius)
          Same as setMouseTouchCircle(int spriteId, Point center, int radius) for all sprites of this actor.
 void setMouseTouchEnabled(boolean enable)
          Enable/disable the detection of mouse interactions.
 void setMouseTouchImage()
          Same as setMouseTouchImage(int spriteId) for all sprites of this actor.
 void setMouseTouchImage(int spriteId)
          Selects the non-transparent pixels of the sprite image for mouse touch detection.
 void setMouseTouchRectangle(int spriteId, java.awt.Point center, int width, int height)
          Selects the rectangle (in pixel units) relative to the sprite image that is used for mouse touch detection.
 void setMouseTouchRectangle(java.awt.Point center, int width, int height)
          Same as setTouchRectangle(int spriteId, Rectangle rect) for all sprites of this actor.
 void setOnBottom()
          Sets the actor at the last place in the scene of the actor class.
 void setOnTop()
          Sets the actor at the first place in the scene of actor class.
 void setPixelLocation(java.awt.Point imageCenter)
          Moves the center of the actor to the given pixel coordinates.
 void setSlowDown(int factor)
          Slows down the calling of act() by the given factor.
 void setTileCollisionEnabled(boolean enable)
          Enable/disable the detection of collisions with the tile collision candidates.
 void setVertMirror(boolean enable)
          If set, the sprite image shown is mirrored vertically.
 void setX(int x)
          Assigns a new current horizontal cell coordinate.
 void setY(int y)
          Assigns a new current vertical cell coordinate.
 void show()
          Turns on the visibility of the sprite with id 0.
 void show(int spriteId)
          Turns on the visibility of the sprite with given id.
 void showNextSprite()
          Increases the id of the currently visible sprite and makes this sprite visible.
 void showPreviousSprite()
          Decreases the id of the currently visible sprite and makes this sprite visible.
 void turn(double angle)
          Turns the moving direction by the given angle (clockwise for positive angles, counterclockwise for negative angles).
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public GameGrid gameGrid
The reference to the GameGrid instance. Null if the actor is not yet added to the game grid. If it was added and removed after, gameGrid is still valid.


public int nbCycles
The current number of simulation cycles since last reset.

Constructor Detail


public Actor(java.awt.image.BufferedImage... spriteImages)
Constructs an unrotatable actor based on one or several sprite images defined by the given buffered images. The spriteId starts from 0 and corresponds to the order of the given images. (Used to create an actor based on images defined on runtime.)

spriteImages - references to BufferedImages that contains the sprite images


public Actor(java.awt.image.BufferedImage spriteImage)
Constructs an unrotatable actor based on the specified sprite image. (Used to create an actor based on images defined on runtime.)

spriteImage - references to BufferedImage that contains the sprite image


public Actor(boolean isRotatable,
             java.awt.image.BufferedImage spriteImage)
Constructs actor based on the specified buffered image. (Used to create an actor based on an image defined on runtime.) If isRotatable is true, the actor is rotated when the direction changes.

isRotatable - if true, the actor's image may be rotated when the direction changes
spriteImage - reference to a BufferedImage that contains the sprite image


public Actor(boolean isRotatable,
             java.awt.image.BufferedImage... spriteImages)
Constructs an actor based on one several sprite images defined by the given buffered images. The spriteId starts from 0 and corresponds to the order of the given images. (Used to create an actor based on images defined on runtime.) If isRotatable is true, the actor is rotated when the direction changes.

isRotatable - if true, the actor's image may be rotated when the direction changes
spriteImages - references to BufferedImages that contains the sprite images


public Actor()
Constructs an actor with no sprite image. Sometimes this is useful for dummy actors that are not shown but act only.


public Actor(java.lang.String filename)
Constructs an unrotatable actor based on the specified sprite image.
From the given filename the image file is searched in the following order:
- if application is packed into a jar archive, relative to the root of the jar archive
- relative to the directory <userhome>/gamegrid/
- relative or absolute to current application directory
- if filename starts with http://, from the given URL
- imagePath prefixed with _ and searched relative to the root of the jar archive (used for sprite library distribution)

filename - the path or URL to the image file displayed for this actor.


public Actor(java.lang.String... filenames)
Constructs an unrotatable actor based on several sprite images. The spriteId starts from 0 and corresponds to the order of the given filenames. From the given filenames the image files are searched in the following order:
- if application is packed into a jar archive, relative to the root of the jar archive
- relative to the directory <userhome>/gamegrid/
- relative or absolute to current application directory
- if filename starts with http://, from the given URL
- imagePath prefixed with _ and searched relative to the root of the jar archive (used for sprite library distribution)

filenames - the paths or URLs (one or more) to the image files displayed for this actor.


public Actor(boolean isRotatable,
             java.lang.String filename)
Constructs an actor based on the specified sprite image. If isRotatable is true, the actor is rotated when the direction changes.
From the given filename the image file is searched in the following order:
- if application is packed into a jar archive, relative to the root of the jar archive
- relative to the directory <userhome>/gamegrid/
- relative or absolute to current application directory
- if filename starts with http://, from the given URL
- imagePath prefixed with _ and searched relative to the root of the jar archive (used for sprite library distribution)

isRotatable - if true, the actor's image may be rotated when the direction changes
filename - the path to the image file displayed for this actor


public Actor(boolean isRotatable,
             java.lang.String... filenames)
Constructs an actor based on one several sprite images. If isRotatable is true, the actor is rotated when the direction changes. The spriteId starts from 0 and corresponds to the order of the given filenames. From the given filenames the image files are searched in the following order:
- if application is packed into a jar archive, relative to the root of the jar archive
- relative to the directory <userhome>/gamegrid/
- relative or absolute to current application directory
- if filename starts with http://, from the given URL
- imagePath prefixed with _ and searched relative to the root of the jar archive (used for sprite library distribution)

isRotatable - if true, the actor's image may be rotated when the direction changes
filenames - the paths or URLs to the image files displayed for this actor


public Actor(java.lang.String filename,
             int nbSprites)
Constructs an unrotatable actor based on one or more sprite images. The actor may contain more than one sprite images, if nbSprites > 1 the filenames of these images are automatically generated in a sequence filename_0.ext, filename_1.ext, ...
From the given filename the image file is searched in the following order:
- if application is packed into a jar archive, relative to the root of the jar archive
- relative to the directory <userhome>/gamegrid/
- relative or absolute to current application directory
- if filename starts with http://, from the given URL
- imagePath prefixed with _ and searched relative to the root of the jar archive (used for sprite library distribution)

filename - the fully qualified path to the image file displayed for this actor
nbSprites - the number of sprite images for the same actor


public Actor(boolean isRotatable,
             java.lang.String filename,
             int nbSprites)
Constructs an actor based on one or more sprite images. If isRotatable is true, the actor is rotated when the direction changes. The actor may contain more than one sprite images, if nbSprites > 1 the filenames of these images are automatically generated in a sequence filename_0.ext, filename_1.ext, ...
From the given filename the image file is searched in the following order:
- if application is packed into a jar archive, relative to the root of the jar archive
- relative to the directory <userhome>/gamegrid/
- relative or absolute to current application directory
- if filename starts with http://, from the given URL
- imagePath prefixed with _ and searched relative to the root of the jar archive (used for sprite library distribution)

isRotatable - if true, the actor's image may be rotated when the direction changes
filename - the path or URL to the image file displayed for this actor
nbSprites - the number of sprite images for the same actor
Method Detail


public void setLocationOffset(java.awt.Point locationOffset)
Sets a pixel offset in x- any y-direction relative to the current location. Effects the display position and the mouseTouchArea only. All location values (e.g. getLocation(), collisionAreas, etc.) are unchanged.
Used to fine tune the displayed sprite position in a coarse game grid.

locationOffset - x,y displacement (x to the left, y downwards)


public void setLocationOffset(int x,
                              int y)
Same as setLoctionOffset(Point locationOffset) with given x and y displacements.

x - displacement (positive x to the left)
y - displacement (positive y to downwards)


public java.awt.Point getLocationOffset()
Returns the pixel offset in x- and y-direction relative to the current location.

x, y displacment


public GGBackground getBackground()
Returns the GGBackground reference of the actor's game grid. Requires that the actor has been added to the game grid.

the GGBackground reference of the actor's game grid. If the actor is not yet added to the game grid, displays an error and terminates application.


public void setX(int x)
Assigns a new current horizontal cell coordinate. The location may be outside the range of the cells inside the game grid. Triggers a border event, if the location is near the border.

x - the x-coordinate (cell index)


public void setY(int y)
Assigns a new current vertical cell coordinate. The location may be outside the range of the cells inside the game grid. Triggers a border event, if the location is near the border.

y - the y-coordinate (cell index)


public void setLocation(Location location)
Assigns a new current location. Triggers a border event, if the location is near the border. The location may be outside the range of the cells inside the game grid.

location - the location (value copy)


public void setPixelLocation(java.awt.Point imageCenter)
Moves the center of the actor to the given pixel coordinates. Sets the actor location to the cell that contains the given point (if outside the game grid, the nearest location in the grid is used) The location offset is set to show the picture center at the given point. Pixel coordinate system: origin at the left upper vertex of the game grid window, x-axis to the left, y-axis downwards.

Keep in mind that the location offset is an actor attribute that may cause side effects and only effects the display position and the mouseTouchArea (collisionAreas are unchanged).

imageCenter - the pixel coordinates of the image center


public int getX()
Returns the current horizontal coordinate.

the x-coordinate (cell index)


public int getY()
Returns the current vertical coordinate.

the y-coordinate (cell index)


public Location getLocation()
Returns the current location (horizontal and vertical coordinates).

a clone of the current location (cell indices)


public Location getLocationStart()
Returns the start location (horizontal and vertical coordinates).

a clone of the location when the actor was added to the game grid


public int getXStart()
Returns the x-coordinate of the start location.

the x-coordinate when the actor was added to the game grid


public int getYStart()
Returns the y-coordinate of the start location.

the y-coordinate when the actor was added to the game grid


public double getDirectionStart()
Returns the start direction.

the start direction when the actor was added to the game grid


public void setDirection(double direction)
Sets the moving direction.

direction - the angle for the next movement (in degrees clockwise, 0 to east)


public void setDirection(Location.CompassDirection compassDir)
Sets the moving direction to the given compass direction.

compassDir - the compass dirction for the next movement


public int getRotationIndex()
Returns the current rotation index for rotatable actors. By default the rotation index is within 0..59, because there are 60 different rotation images giving an angle resolution of 360 / 60 = 6 degrees. (This number may be changed using a special GameGrid constructor.)

the rotation index (for non-rotatable actors always 0)


public double getDirection()
Gets the current direction.

the direction for the next movement (in degrees clockwise, 0 to east)


public int getIntDirection()
Gets the current direction rounded to the next integer.

the direction for the next movement (in degrees clockwise, 0 to east)


public Location getNextMoveLocation()
Returns the target location of the next move(). For a small grid (total number of cells <= 2500 = 50 * 50) the target location is one of 8 neighbour cells in the current direction (compass directions 45 degrees wide). otherwise it is a cell location about 5 cell sizes away in the current direction.


public void move()
For a small grid (total number of cells <= 2500 = 50 * 50) moves to one of 8 neighbour cells in the current direction (compass directions 45 degrees wide). otherwise moves to a cell about 5 cell sizes away in the current direction.
Keep in mind that successive calls of move() in the same direction does not necessarily move the actor on a straight line. If you want to move the actor on a line, use displace() or declare global double (float) x and y coordinates and increase them in each step with
xnew = x + speedx * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(getDirection())
ynew = y + speedy * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(getDirection())
x = xnew
y = ynew


public void move(int distance)
Moves the given distance in the current direction. For distance = 1, the 8 neighbour locations are reached. To move the actor on a straight line, see the remarks for method move().

distance - the distance to the requested cell location in cell units.
See Also:


public int getNbHorzCells()
Returns number of cells of actor's game grid in horizontal direction. Requires that the actor has been added to the game grid.

the number of cells in x-direction


public int getNbVertCells()
Returns number of cells of actor's game grid in vertical direction. Requires that the actor has been added to the game grid.

the number of cells in y-direction


public void turn(double angle)
Turns the moving direction by the given angle (clockwise for positive angles, counterclockwise for negative angles). The new moving direction remains within 0..360.

angle - the angle to turn in degrees


public void act()
Empty method called in every simulation iteration. Override it to implement your own notification.


public void reset()
Empty method called when the actor is added to the game grid, the reset button is clicked or doReset() is called. Override to get your own notification. Perform your initialization code here better than in the constructor, where many of the actor's method are still invalid. This method is called before the first act() cycling.


public void addBorderListener(GGBorderListener listener)
Registers an GGBorderListener so that the callback method nearBorder() is called when the actor's location is on a cell at the border of the game grid.

listener - the GGBorderListener to register


public void nearBorder(Actor actor,
                       Location location)
Empty implementation of a BorderListener called when the actor is set into a border cell. Override to get your own notification.

Specified by:
nearBorder in interface GGBorderListener
actor - the current actor
location - the border location


public boolean isInGrid()
Returns true, if the actor's location is inside the grid. Requires that the actor has been added to the game grid.

true, if the current actor's location is inside the grid


public boolean isNearBorder()
Returns true, if the current location is on a border row or column. Be aware that in one pixel games, the near border location is only 1 pixel from the border. Requires that the actor has been added to the game grid.

true, if the current location is on a border row or column


public boolean isMoveValid()
Returns true, if the next call of move() will put the actor in a cell inside the game grid. Requires that the actor has been added to the game grid.

true, if the actor remains inside the grid on the next move()


public void removeSelf()
Removes the given actor from the scene, so that act() is not called any more. The visiblity is turned off (spriteId = -1) and a registered mouse, mouse touch or key listener is disabled. If the actor has not yet been added to the game grid, nothing happens.Be aware that clicking the reset button or calling reset() will not bring the actor to life.

The public gameGrid reference remains valid, even if the actor has been removed. You may check if an actor has been added and then removed by calling isRemoved().

If you want to reuse the removed actor, you may add it again to the game grid (the sprite with id = 0 is shown). Any mouse, mouse touch or key listener must be registered again. Instead of removing the actor, call hide() to make him invisible and show() to display him again.

The buffered image resources will be released when the actor reference runs out of scope. Because actors use a lot of heap space, you should be careful to remove actors and deassign their reference when they are no more used (e.g. moves out of the visible game grid).


public void setSlowDown(int factor)
Slows down the calling of act() by the given factor. This may be used to individually adapt the speed of actors. Sets a counter to the given value. Before calling act(), the counter is decremented. When it reaches zero, act() is called.

factor - the factor greater or equal to 1 for delaying the invocation of act()


public int getSlowDown()
Returns the current slow down factor.

the slow down factor


public void show()
Turns on the visibility of the sprite with id 0. All other sprites are hidden.


public void show(int spriteId)
Turns on the visibility of the sprite with given id. All other sprites are hidden.

spriteId - the sprite id that will become visible; visibility remains unchanged if spriteId is less than zero or greater or equal to the number of sprites


public void hide()
Turns off the visiblity of this actor (all sprites are hidden, spriteId = -1).


public int getIdVisible()
Returns the id of the visible sprite.

the id of the visible sprite in the range 0..number of sprites (exclusive), -1 if no sprite is visible


public boolean isVisible()
Returns true, if the actor is visible.

true, if one of the sprites is shown; false, if the actor has spriteId == -1 or is not part of the game grid


public void addCollisionActor(Actor partner)
Registers a partner actor that becomes a collision candidate, e.g. that is checked for collisions in every simulation cycle. The collisions are reported by a collision listener that must be registered with addActorCollisionListener().

partner - the partner that is checked for collision


public int collide(Actor actor1,
                   Actor actor2)
Empty implementation of a GGActorCollisionListener called when the two actors collides. Override to get your own notification.

Specified by:
collide in interface GGActorCollisionListener
actor1 - the first actor
actor2 - the second actor
nb of simulation cycles to wait until collision is rearmed


public int collide(Actor actor,
                   Location location)
Empty implementation of a GGTileCollisionListener called when the an actor collides with a tile. Override to get your own notification.

Specified by:
collide in interface GGTileCollisionListener
actor - the colliding actor
location - the location of the colliding tile within the tile map
nb of simulation cycles to wait until collision is rearmed


public void addCollisionActors(Actor[] partners)
Registers all actors in a list as collision candidates. The collisions are reported by a collision listener that must be registered with addActorCollisionListener().

partners - an array of actors that are checked for collision


public void addCollisionActors(java.util.ArrayList<Actor> partners)
Registers all actors in a list as collision candidates. The collisions are reported by a collision listener that must be registered with addActorCollisionListener().

partners - a list of actors that are checked for collision


public java.util.ArrayList<Actor> getCollisionActors()
Returns a list of partners that are collision candidates.

all actors that are checked for collisions


public void addCollisionTile(Location location)
Registers a tile location that becomes a collision candidate, e.g. that is checked for collisions in every simulation cycle. The collisions are reported by a collision listener that must be registered with addTileCollisionListener().

location - the location of the tile within the tile map


public void addCollisionTiles(Location[] locations)
Registers all tile locations in a list as collision candidates. The collisions are reported by a collision listener that must be registered with addTileCollisionListener().

locations - an array of tile locations that are checked for collision


public void addCollisionTiles(java.util.ArrayList<Location> locations)
Registers all tile locations in a list as collision candidates. The collisions are reported by a collision listener that must be registered with addTileCollisionListener().

locations - a list of tile locations that are checked for collision


public java.util.ArrayList<Location> getCollisionTiles()
Returns a list of tile locations that are collision candidates.

all tile locations that are checked for collisions


public void addActorCollisionListener(GGActorCollisionListener listener)
Registers a collision listener that reports collision events when actors collide. Another already registered listener is disabled. The collision notification is called in every simulation cycle before the actor's act().

listener - an actor collision listener; null to disable events


public void addTileCollisionListener(GGTileCollisionListener listener)
Registers a tile listener that reports collision events when actors and tiles collide. Another already registered listener is disabled.

listener - a tile collision listener; null to disable events


public void setHorzMirror(boolean enable)
If set, the sprite image shown is mirrored horizontally.

enable - if true, horizontal mirroring is enabled


public void setVertMirror(boolean enable)
If set, the sprite image shown is mirrored vertically.

enable - if true, vertical mirroring is enabled


public boolean isHorzMirror()
Returns the horizontal mirroring state.

true, if the sprite is mirrored horizontally; otherwise false


public boolean isVertMirror()
Returns the vertical mirroring state.

true, if the sprite is mirrored vertically; otherwise false


public void setActEnabled(boolean enable)
Enable/disable the invocation of act() in every simulation cycle.

enable - if true, act() is invoked; otherwise act() is not invoked


public boolean isActEnabled()
Returns true, if act() is invoked in every simulation cycle.

true (default), if act() is called; false if the invokation of act() is disabled


public void setActorCollisionEnabled(boolean enable)
Enable/disable the detection of collisions with the actor collision candidates.

enable - if true (default), collisions will be notified


public boolean isActorCollisionEnabled()
Returns true, if collision notification between actors is enabled.

true, if collision detection is enabled


public void setTileCollisionEnabled(boolean enable)
Enable/disable the detection of collisions with the tile collision candidates.

enable - if true (default), collisions will be notified


public boolean isTileCollisionEnabled()
Returns true, if collision notification between tiles is enabled.

true, if collision detection is enabled


public java.util.ArrayList<Actor> getCollisionActorsInRange(double radius,
                                                            java.lang.Class clazz,
                                                            int spriteId)
Returns all collision candidates who belongs to a given class whose collision areas of the image with given sprite id intersects the circle with specified radius. Also actors whose cell locations are outside the visible grid are considered. Requires that the actor has been added to the game grid.

radius - the radius of the circle around the center of the current location in (fractional) cell units
clazz - the clazz the actors must belong to, if null, all actors are considered
the list of actors within the given distance


public java.util.ArrayList<Actor> getNeighbours(double distance,
                                                java.lang.Class clazz)
Returns all actors of specified class in a specified distance. The distance defines a circle around the current cell center. All actors in cells that intersects with this circle are returned. Also cells outside the visible grid are considered. To restrict this list to actors inside the grid, use isInGrid(). To get the 8 nearest neighbours, use distance = 1, to exclude diagonal locations, use distance = 0.5; Actors at the current location are not considered. Requires that the actor has been added to the game grid.

distance - the distance in (fractional) cell units public
clazz - the class of the actors to look for; if null actors of all classes are included


public java.util.ArrayList<Actor> getNeighbours(double distance)
Returns all actors in a specified distance. The distance defines a circle around the current cell center. All actors in cells that intersects with this circle are returned. Also cells outside the visible grid are considered. To restrict this list to actors inside the grid, use isInGrid(). To get the 6 nearest neighbours, use distance = 1, to exlude diagonal locations, use distance = 0.5; Actors at the current location are not considered.

distance - the distance in (fractional) cell units public


public boolean isRotatable()
Returns whether the actor is rotatable or not.

true, if rotatable, e.g. image rotates when direction changes


public void setCollisionRectangle(int spriteId,
                                  java.awt.Point center,
                                  int width,
                                  int height)
Selects the rectangle (in pixel units) relative to the sprite image that is used for collision detection. The following coordinate system is used:

x-axis to the left, y-axis downward, zero at image center

(For even image pixel width or height, the center is half pixel width to the left or resp. to the top).

Any collision types defined earlier are removed.

spriteId - the id of the sprite
center - the rectangle center (zero at image center)
width - the width in pixel units of the rectangle (in x-direction)
height - the height in pixel units of the rectangle (in y-direction)


public void setCollisionRectangle(java.awt.Point center,
                                  int width,
                                  int height)
Same as setCollisionRectangle(int spriteId, Point center, int width, int height) for spriteId = 0

center - the rectangle center (zero at image center)
width - the width in pixel units of the rectangle (in x-direction)
height - the height in pixel units of the rectangle (in y-direction)


public void setCollisionCircle(int spriteId,
                               java.awt.Point center,
                               int radius)
Selects the circle (in pixel units) relative to the sprite image that is used for collision detection. The following coordinate system is used:

x-axis to the left, y-axis downward, zero at image center

(for even image pixel width or height, the center is half pixel width to the left or resp. to the top).

Any collision types defined earlier are removed.

spriteId - the id of the sprite
center - circle center (zero at image center)
radius - the radius of the circle (in pixel units)


public void setCollisionCircle(java.awt.Point center,
                               int radius)
Same as setCollisionCircle(int spriteId, Point center, int radius) for spriteId = 0.

center - the circle center (zero at image center)
radius - the radius of the circle (in pixel units)


public void setCollisionLine(int spriteId,
                             java.awt.Point startPoint,
                             java.awt.Point endPoint)
Selects the line segment (in pixel units) relative to the sprite image that is used for collision detection. The following coordinate system is used:

x-axis to the left, y-axis downward, zero at image center

(for even image pixel width or height, the center is half pixel width to the left or resp. to the top).

Any collision types defined earlier are removed.

spriteId - the id of the sprite
startPoint - the start point of the line (zero at image center)
endPoint - the end point of the line (zero at image center)


public void setCollisionLine(java.awt.Point startPoint,
                             java.awt.Point endPoint)
Same as setCollisionLine(int spriteId, Point startPoint, Point endPoint) for spriteId = 0.

startPoint - the start point of the line (zero at image center)
endPoint - the end point of the line (zero at image center)


public void setCollisionSpot(int spriteId,
                             java.awt.Point spot)
Selects the hot spot (in pixel units) relative to the sprite image that is used for collision detection. The following coordinate system is used:

x-axis to the left, y-axis downward, zero at image center

(for even image pixel width or height, the center is half pixel width to the left or resp. to the top).

Any collision types defined earlier are removed.

spriteId - the id of the sprite
spot - the hot spot (zero at image center)


public void setCollisionSpot(java.awt.Point spot)
Same as setCollisionSpot(int spriteId, Point spot) for spriteId = 0.

spot - the hot spot (zero at image center)


public void setCollisionImage(int spriteId)
Selects collision detection on non-transparent pixels of the image. Due to performance reasons only available if the collision partner detects collision using spot, circle or line detection. Any collision types defined earlier are removed.

spriteId - the id of the sprite


public void setCollisionImage()
Same as setCollisionImage(int spriteId) for spriteId = 0.


public void setOnTop()
Sets the actor at the first place in the scene of actor class. Consequently the actor act() method will be called first and the actor image will be drawn on top of all other actor images for this class. The order of the other actors remains unchanged. To change the act or paint order of the actors class, use GameGrid.setActOrder() or GameGrid.setPaintOrder(). Requires that the actor has been added to the game grid.

If you want to change the paint order of actors in different actor classes, use GameGrid.setPaintOrder().

See Also:
GameGrid.setPaintOrder(Class... classes)


public void setOnBottom()
Sets the actor at the last place in the scene of the actor class. Consequently the actor act() method will be called last and the actor image will be drawn on the bottom of all other actor images for this class. The order of the other actors remains unchanged. To change the act or paint order of the actors class, use GameGrid.setActOrder() or GameGrid.setPaintOrder(). Requires that the actor has been added to the game grid.

If you want to change the paint order of actors in different actor classes, use GameGrid.setPaintOrder().

See Also:
GameGrid.setPaintOrder(Class... classes)


public int getNbCycles()
Returns the number of simulation cycles since last reset.

the number of simulation cycles


public static void delay(long time)
Delay execution for the given amount of time.

time - the delay time (in ms)


public void showNextSprite()
Increases the id of the currently visible sprite and makes this sprite visible. If spriteId reaches nbSprites - 1 the next sprite id will be 0. If spriteId is -1 (sprite invisible) the next sprite id is 0.


public void showPreviousSprite()
Decreases the id of the currently visible sprite and makes this sprite visible. If spriteId reaches 0 the previous sprite id will be nbSprites - 1. If spriteId is -1 (sprite invisible) the previous sprite id is still -1.


public java.awt.image.BufferedImage getCurrentImage()
Returns the buffered image of the currently visible sprite picture. If the actor is rotatable, this is the rotated image and it's size (bounding rectangle) is bigger than the originally loaded image.

the buffered image of the displayed sprite picture.


public java.awt.image.BufferedImage getImage(int spriteId)
Returns the buffered image of the originally loaded sprite with given sprite id. Unmodified when the actor is rotatable.

the buffered image of the loaded sprite.


public java.awt.image.BufferedImage getImage()
Returns the buffered image of the originally loaded sprite with id = 0. Unmodified when the actor is rotatable.

the buffered image of the loaded sprite.


public java.awt.Color getPixelColor(java.awt.Point pt)
Returns the color of the currently visible sprite image at given pixel position ((0,0) at upper left vertex, x-axis to the right, y-axis downwards).

pt - the point where to look for the color
the image color of the given point returned by BufferedImage.getRGB()


public java.awt.Point getPixelLocation()
Returns the location of the actor center in pixel coordinates taking into account the current location offset (default offset is 0).

the pixel coordinates with respect to the game grid window (origin at upper left vertex, x-axis to the left, y-axis downward); null, if the actor is not yet added to the game grid
See Also:
setLocationOffset(Point locationOffset)


public int getWidth(int spriteId)
Returns the width of the sprite with given id. This is the width of the originally loaded sprited image. (For rotatable actors the bounding rectangle is increased to give space for the rotated images.)

spriteId - the id of the sprite
The width in pixels of this sprite


public int getHeight(int spriteId)
Returns the height of the sprite with given id. This is the height of the originally loaded sprited image. (For rotatable actors the bounding rectangle is increased to give space for the rotated images.)

spriteId - the id of the sprite
The height in pixels of this sprite


public static GGVector getRotatedPosition(GGVector position,
                                          java.awt.Point center,
                                          double angle)
Returns a new position vector of given position vector rotated with given center point by given angle.

position - the vector to the current position
center - the rotation center point
angle - the rotating angle (in degrees, positive clockwise)
the position (vector with double precision) to the rotated position


public void rotate(Location centerLoc,
                   double angle)
Rotates the actor with given rotation center location by the given angle. The rotated location is approximate due to the grid resolution. If a precise sequence of rotations with the same rotation center is needed, use getRotatedPosition(Point center, GGVector position, double angle) with a global center and position.

centerLoc - the rotation center location
angle - the rotation angle (in degrees, positive clockwise)


public void rotate(java.awt.Point center,
                   double angle)
Rotates the actor with given rotation center point by given angle. The rotated location is approximate due to the grid resolution. If a precise sequence of rotations with the same rotation center is needed, use getRotatedPosition(Point center, GGVector position, double angle) with a global center and position.

center - the rotation center point
angle - the rotation angle (in degrees, positive clockwise)


public void addMouseTouchListener(GGMouseTouchListener listener,
                                  int mouseEventMask)
Same as addMouseTouchListener(listener, mouseEventMask, onTopOnly) with onTopOnly = false.

listener - the GGMouseTouchListener to register
mouseEventMask - an OR-combinaton of constants defined in class GGMouse


public void addMouseTouchListener(GGMouseTouchListener listener,
                                  int mouseEventMask,
                                  boolean onTopOnly)
Add a GGMouseTouchListener to get notifications when the mouse interacts with the mouse touch area. Only the events defined as OR-combination in the specified mask are notified. GGMouse.enter and GGMouse.leave events are produced with respect to the mouse touch area. Touch area types available: IMAGE (default, events on non-transparent pixels of sprite image), RECTANGLE, CIRCLE. The non-default types can be selected for each sprite ID with Actor.setMouseTouchRectangle(), Actor.setMouseTouchCircle().

The mouse must be enabled and the mouse event not "consumed" by other mouse event callbacks. The sequence of events from several registered listeners is not previsible.

listener - the GGMouseTouchListener to register
mouseEventMask - an OR-combinaton of constants defined in class GGMouse
onTopOnly - if true, enable mouse touch event for the actor at top of others (painted last) only; otherwise touch event of all actors is enabled


public void setMouseTouchRectangle(int spriteId,
                                   java.awt.Point center,
                                   int width,
                                   int height)
Selects the rectangle (in pixel units) relative to the sprite image that is used for mouse touch detection. The following coordinate system is used:

x-axis to the left, y-axis downward, zero at image center

(For even image pixel width or height, the center is half pixel width to the left or resp. to the top).

Any touch type defined earlier is replaced.

spriteId - the id of the sprite
center - the rectangle center (zero at image center)
width - the width in pixel units of the rectangle (in x-direction)
height - the height in pixel units of the rectangle (in y-direction)


public void setMouseTouchRectangle(java.awt.Point center,
                                   int width,
                                   int height)
Same as setTouchRectangle(int spriteId, Rectangle rect) for all sprites of this actor.

center - the rectangle center (zero at image center)
width - the width in pixel units of the rectangle (in x-direction)
height - the height in pixel units of the rectangle (in y-direction)


public void setMouseTouchCircle(int spriteId,
                                java.awt.Point center,
                                int radius)
Selects the circle (in pixel units) relative to the sprite image that is used for mouse touch detection. The following coordinate system is used:

x-axis to the left, y-axis downward, zero at image center

(for even image pixel width or height, the center is half pixel width to the left or resp. to the top).

Any interaction type defined earlier is replaced.

spriteId - the id of the sprite
center - circle center (zero at image center)
radius - the radius of the circle (in pixel units)


public void setMouseTouchCircle(java.awt.Point center,
                                int radius)
Same as setMouseTouchCircle(int spriteId, Point center, int radius) for all sprites of this actor.

center - circle center (zero at image center)
radius - the radius of the circle (in pixel units)


public void setMouseTouchImage(int spriteId)
Selects the non-transparent pixels of the sprite image for mouse touch detection. This is the default detection type when the GGMouseInteractionListener is registered.

Any interaction type defined earlier is replaced.


public void setMouseTouchImage()
Same as setMouseTouchImage(int spriteId) for all sprites of this actor.


public void setMouseTouchEnabled(boolean enable)
Enable/disable the detection of mouse interactions.

enable - if true, mouse interactions will be notified


public java.awt.image.BufferedImage getScaledImage(int spriteId,
                                                   double factor,
                                                   double angle)
Returns the sprite image scaled by the given factor and rotated to the given angle. The returned image can be used to create a new actor with a zoomed and rotated image.

If rotation angle != 0, the size of the returned buffer image is enlarged to take place for the rotated image.

spriteId - the sprite id of the actor's sprite image
factor - the zoom factor (>1 zoom-in, <1 zoom-out)
angle - the rotation angle (in degrees clockwise, 0 to east)
the transformed image


public java.awt.image.BufferedImage getScaledImage(double factor,
                                                   double angle)
Same as getScaledImage(int spriteId, double factor, double angle) with spriteId = 0.

factor - the zoom factor (>1 zoom-in, <1 zoom-out)
angle - the rotation angle (in degrees clockwise, 0 to east)
the transformed image


public static java.awt.image.BufferedImage getScaledImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bi,
                                                                     double factor,
                                                                     double angle)
Deprecated. Use GGBitmap.getScaledImage instead. GGBitmap.getScaledImage(BufferedImage bi, double factor, double angle)

Transforms the given buffered image by scaling by the given factor and rotating by the given angle.

bi - the buffered image to transform
factor - the zoom factor (>1 zoom-in, <1 zoom-out)
angle - the rotation angle (in degrees clockwise)
the transformed image


public int getNbSprites()
Returns number of sprites.

the number of sprites


public boolean isRemoved()
Returns true, if the actor has been removed (by calling removeSelf() or GameGrid.removeActor()). If the actor was never part of the game grid or is added again to the game grid after being removed, returns false.

true, if the actor has been removed


public void displace(double ds)
Increases the current double displace position in the current direction to the given double distance and moves the actor in the cell that contains the given coordinates. Sets the location offset accordingly.
The displace position uses a double coordinate system corresponing to the integer pixel coordinates. This method is convenient to move the actor as precise as possible on a straight line even in a coarse grid.

ds - the distance to displace the actor; if negative, displace in opposite direction


public java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double getDisplacePosition()
Returns the current displace position.

the current displace position


public void setDisplacePosition(java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double displacePosition)
Sets the current displace position and moves the actor in the cell that contains the given coordinates. Sets the location offset accordingly.

displacePosition - the double coordinates of the new position