A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T V W X Y _ 


add(Turtle) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Adds a new Turtle to the Playground.
addComponentListener(ComponentListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Adds the specified ComponentListener to receive component events.
addExitListener(ExitListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Adds the specifiec ExitListener to get a notification when the close button is clicked.
addExitListener(ExitListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Adds the specified ExitListener to get a notification when the close button is clicked.
addFocusListener(FocusListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Adds the specified FocusListener to receive focus events.
addKeyListener(KeyListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Adds the specified KeyListener to receive key events.
addKeyListener(KeyListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Adds the specified KeyListener to receive key events.
addMouseDoubleClickListener(MouseDoubleClickListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Adds the specified MouseDoubleClickListener to receive mouse events.
addMouseDoubleClickListener(MouseDoubleClickListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Adds the specified MouseDoubleClickListener to receive mouse events and calls setDoubleClickDelay(-1).
addMouseHitListener(MouseHitListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Adds the specified mouse-hit listener to receive mouse events.
addMouseHitListener(MouseHitListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Registers a MouseHitListener to report mouse press events each in a separate thread.
addMouseHitXListener(MouseHitXListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Adds the specified MouseHitXListener to receive mouse events.
addMouseHitXListener(MouseHitXListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Registers a MouseHitXListener to report mouse press events each in a separate thread.
addMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Adds the specified MouseListener to receive mouse events.
addMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Adds the specified MouseListener to receive mouse events.
addMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Adds the specified MouseMotionListener to receive mouse motion events.
addMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Adds the specified MouseMotionListener to receive mouse events.
addMouseWheelListener(MouseWheelListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Adds the specified MouseWheelListener to receive mouse events.
addStatusBar(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Adds a status window attached at the bottom of the game grid window.
addStatusBar(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Adds the status window attached at the bottom of the game grid window.
addTurtleHitListener(TurtleHitListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Adds the specified turtle-hit listener to receive mouse events when the mouse cursor is inside the turtle image.
addWindowFocusListener(WindowFocusListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Adds the specified WindowFocusListener to receive window focus events.
addWindowListener(WindowListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Adds the specified WindowListener to receive window events.
antiAliasing(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Sets anti-aliasing (for the turtle trace buffer) on or off.
APPLETFRAME - Static variable in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Mode attribute for turtle applets in a standalone window (value: 1).
ascent - Variable in class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen.TextInfo
Ascender height of text in pixels
ASK_ON_CLOSE - Static variable in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Mode attribute for a turtle frame that opens a confirm dialog when the close button is hit (value: 3).


back(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Same as bk().
backgroundColor - Variable in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtlePane
Property for bean support.
beep() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Emits a 'beep'.
BitmapTurtleFactory - Class in ch.aplu.turtle
Helper class to generate a custom turtle shape from a bitmap.
BitmapTurtleFactory(BufferedImage) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.BitmapTurtleFactory
bk(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Moves the turtle backwards.
BLACK - Static variable in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
BLUE - Static variable in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Short for Color.BLUE.


ch.aplu.turtle - package ch.aplu.turtle
Java class package with a focus on education.
clean(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Cleans the traces using the given color.
clean() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Same as clean(Color color) with the current background color.
clean() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Clears the turtle's playground.
clean(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Clears the turtle's playground but painting it with the given color.
clean(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Clears the turtle's playground but painting it with the given color.
clear(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Clears the playground with given color.
clear() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Same as clear(Color color) with the current background color.
clear() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Clears the turtle's playground.
clear(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Clears the turtle's playground but painting it with the given color.
clear(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Clears the turtle's playground but painting it with the given color.
CLEAR_ON_CLOSE - Static variable in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Mode attribute for a turtle frame that calls Turtle.clear() when the close button is hit (value: 2).
clearStates() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Empties the state buffer.
clearTurtle(Turtle) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Removes the given turtle from the turtle buffer.
clearTurtles() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Remove all turtles from the turtle buffer.
clip() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Sets the turtle to clip mode.
clone() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Creates a partial clone of the turtle.
countTurtles() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Tells current number of Turtles in this Playground.
crop(BufferedImage, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.GBitmap
Extracts the partial image if the given rectangular area.
currentImage() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleRenderer
Returns the current image.
CYAN - Static variable in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Short for Color.CYAN.


DEFAULT_FONT - Static variable in class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen
The default font that is used when drawing text.
descent - Variable in class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen.TextInfo
Descender height of text in pixels
direction(Turtle) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns the relative direction to a given other turtle.
direction(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns the relative direction to a given position.
direction(Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns the direction to a given position.
dispose() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Disposes the TurtleFrame.
dispose() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Release all used system resources.
DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE - Static variable in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Mode attribute for a turtle frame that closes the turtle frame and releases grapics resources (value: 4), but does not call System.exit().
distance(Turtle) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns the distance between the current turtle position and an other turtle.
distance(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns the distance between the current turtle position and the given position, The turtle position is bounded to the playground.
distance(Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns the distance between the current turtle position and the given position, The turtle position is bounded to the playground.
DKGRAY - Static variable in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Short for Color.GRAY.
dot(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Draws a dot (filled circle) at the current turtle position using the current pen color.
draw() - Method in interface ch.aplu.turtle.TPrintable
This method must perform all drawing operations.
drawBkImage(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Draws the given image into the background (trace buffer).
drawBkImage(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Draws the given image into the background (trace buffer).
drawImage(String, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Draws the given image into background. x,y is the center of the image in turtle coordinates.
drawImage(BufferedImage, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Draws the given buffered image into background. x,y is the center of the image in turtle coordinates.
drawImage(BufferedImage) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Draws the given image into background with the image center at the current turtle position and rotated to the current turtle viewing direction.
drawImage(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Retrieves the image either from the jar resource, from local drive or from a internet server.
drawLine(double, double, double, double, Pen) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Draws a line from the point (x0, y0) to (x1, y1) with the color and width of the given Pen.


enableFocus - Variable in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtlePane
Property for bean support.
enableRepaint(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Enables/disables automatic screen rendering.
enableRepaint(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Enables/disables automatic repainting (default: enabled).
ExitListener - Interface in ch.aplu.turtle
The listener interface for processing the TurtleFrame close button event.


fd(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Moves the turtle forwards.
fill(Turtle) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Fills a region with the Turtles fill color (flood fill).
fill() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Fills a closed region (flood fill) with the current fill color (default: Color.blue).
fill(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Fills a closed region (flood fill) with the current fill color (default: Color.blue) as if the turtle where at the given coordinates.
fill(Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Fills a closed region (flood fill) with the current fill color (default: Color.blue) as if the turtle where at the given coordinates.
fillOff() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Stops the filling started by calling fillToPoint(), fillToHorizontal() or fillToVertical().
fillPath() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Closes the path (line from current position to where the turtle path starts) and fills the polygon with the current fill color.
fillToHorizontal(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Draws a imaginary horizonatal line at given y-coordinate.
fillToPoint(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Attachs a imaginary rubber band between the turtle and the given anchor point.
fillToPoint() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Same as fillToPoint(x, y) using the current turtle coordinates.
fillToVertical(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Draws a imaginary vertical line at given x-coordinate.
floodFill(BufferedImage, Point, Color, Color) - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.GBitmap
Fills a bounded single-colored region with the given color.
focusGained(FocusEvent) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Empty implementation of a FocusListener method.
focusLost(FocusEvent) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
For standalone applets we must put the applet window in front of the browser.
forward(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Same as fd().


GBitmap - Class in ch.aplu.turtle
GBitmap is a helper class derived from BufferedImage with some common bitmap transformation methods.
GBitmap(ColorModel, WritableRaster, boolean, Hashtable) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.GBitmap
Constructs a BufferedImage with a specified ColorModel and Raster.
GBitmap(int, int, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.GBitmap
Constructs a BufferedImage of one of the predefined image types.
GBitmap(int, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.GBitmap
Constructs a BufferedImage of type BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB.
GBitmap(int, int, int, IndexColorModel) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.GBitmap
Constructs a BufferedImage of one of the predefined image types: TYPE_BYTE_BINARY or TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED.
getAvailableFontFamilies() - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen
Provides information about the currently available font families (e.g.
getAvailableFontFamilies() - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Provides information about all font families currently available on your system.
getBackgroundColor() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtlePane
Property getter.
getBufferSize() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Returns the size of the graphics buffer that holds the drawing area (number of pixels in horizontal direction and vertical direction).
getByteArray(BufferedImage, String) - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.GBitmap
Returns the image in a byte array. imageFormat is the informal name of the format (one of the strings returned by get SupportedImageFormats()).
getColor() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen
Queries the Pens color.
getColor() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns the turtle's current color.
getColorNames() - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.X11Color
Returns the implemented X11 color names.
getColorStr() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns the X11 color string of the turtle's current color.
getDashArray() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen
Queries the Pens dash array.
getDashPhase() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen
Queries the Pens dash phase.
getDoubleClickDelay() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Returns the current double-click delay.
getEnableFocus() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtlePane
Property getter.
getEndCap() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen
Queries the Pens end cap style.
getEnvironment() - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns environment information (JRE and OS).
getFillColor() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen
Queries the Pens fill color.
getFillColor() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns the turtle's current fill color.
getFillColorStr() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns the X11 color string of the turtle's current fill color.
getFont() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen
Queries the current font.
getFont() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns the current font.
getFontSize() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen
Queries the size (in points, rounded to int) of the current font.
getFrame() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns the turtle's TurtleFrame (derivated from JFrame).
getImage(String) - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Retrieves the image either from the jar resource, from local drive or from a internet server.
getKey() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Returns the unicode character associated with last key typed.
getKeyCode() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Returns the key code associated with last key pressed.
getKeyCodeWait() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Waits until a key is typed and returns the key code associated with last key pressed.
getKeyCodeWait() - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleKeyAdapter
Waits for a keystroke and returns the keycode.
getKeyWait() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Waits until a key is typed and returns the unicode character associated with it.
getLastFrame() - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Returns the last frame of all initialized frames.
getLastScreenLocation() - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Returns the location of the last window (null if not yet visible).
getLineJoin() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen
Queries the Pens line join style.
getLineWidth() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen
Queries the Pens line width
getMiterLimit() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen
Queries the Pens miter limit style.
getModifiers() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Returns the modifiers associated with last key pressed.
getModifiersText() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Returns the modifiers associated with last key pressed.
getMouseHitButton() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Returns the number of the last mouse button from a registered mouseHit or mouseHitX event.
getPen() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Return the turtle's Pen reference.
getPenColor() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns the turtle's pen color.
getPenColorStr() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns the X11 color string of the turtle's current pen color.
getPenWidth() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns the current pen width.
getPixelColor(int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.GBitmap
Returns the color of the pixel at given x,y coordinates.
getPixelColor(int[]) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.GBitmap
Returns the color of the pixel at given point (defined as int array for Jython compatibility).
getPixelColor(Turtle) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Returns the color of the pixel at the current turtle position.
getPixelColor() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns the color of the pixel at the current turtle position.
getPixelColorStr(int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.GBitmap
Returns the X11 color name of the pixel at given x,y coordinates.
getPixelColorStr(int[]) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.GBitmap
Returns the X11 color name of the pixel at given point (defined as int array for Jython compatibility).
getPixelColorStr() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns the color of the pixel at the current turtle position as X11 string.
getPlayground() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns the turtle's Playground.
getPlayground() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleArea
Returns the playground of this AppletFrame.
getPlayground() - Method in interface ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleContainer
As the Turtles live in a Playground actually, you must have access to it.
getPlayground() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Returns the playground of this TurtleFrame.
getPlayground() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtlePane
Returns current instance reference.
getPos() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns the current playground bounded turtle position.
getPrinterG2D() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Returns the graphics context of the printer.
getPropertyDescriptors() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtlePaneBeanInfo
Returns the descriptor of visible properties.
getPropLocation() - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns properties file location.
getRandomColor() - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.X11Color
Returns a random color from the X11 color set.
getRandomColorStr() - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.X11Color
Returns a random X11 color from the X11 color set.
getScreenLocation() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Returns the current location of the window on the screen.
getSize() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Returns the size (defines coordinate span) of the playground.
getSpeed() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns the current turtle animation speed.
getStroke() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen
Gets the Pens Stroke
getSupportedImageFormats() - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.GBitmap
Returns all supported image formats.
getTextAscent() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen
Returns ascender height of text with current font (in pixels).
getTextAscent() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns ascender height of text with current font (in pixels).
getTextDescent() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen
Returns descender height of text with current font (in pixels).
getTextDescent() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns descender height of text with current font (in pixels).
getTextHeight() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen
Returns height of text with current font (in pixels).
getTextHeight() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns height of text with current font (in pixels).
getTextInfo(String, Font) - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen
Returns text information for given font and text.
getTextWidth(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen
Returns width of given text with current font (in pixels).
getTextWidth(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns width of text with current font (in pixels).
getTraceBuffer() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Returns the image of the trace buffer.
getTraceG2D() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Returns the graphics context of the trace buffer.
getTurtle(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Returns the Turtle at index index.
getTurtleBuffer() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Returns the image of the turtle buffer.
getTurtleFactory() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns the turtle's TurtleFactory.
getTurtleG2D() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Returns the graphics context of the turtle buffer.
getTurtleImage() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns the turtle's image (not rotated).
getX() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns the current playground bounded turtle's x-coordinate.
getY() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns the current playground bounded turtle's y-coordinate.
GRAY - Static variable in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Short for Color.GRAY.
GREEN - Static variable in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Short for Color.GREEN.


heading() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns the turtle's heading.
heading(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Sets the turtle's heading (zero to north, clockwise positive).
height - Variable in class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen.TextInfo
Height of text in pixels
hideTurtle() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Hide the Turtle.
home() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Moves the turtle back "home", i.e. to coordinates (0, 0), heading north.
ht() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Hides the Turtle.


imageChanged(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleRenderer
Tells whether the image has changed.
imageUpdate(Image, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleRenderer
As an image stays unchanged, there's no need to ever update it.
init(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.LineRenderer
Initialisation with coordinates x and y.
init(Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.LineRenderer
Same as init(double x, double y), but with a Point2D.Double argument for convenience
init(TurtleFactory, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleRenderer
Creates the images.
isClip() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Reports if the turtle is in clip mode.
isDisposed() - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Checks if the turtle frame was disposed or released.
isDisposed() - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Checks if the turtle frame was disposed or released.
isHidden() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Reports if the turtle is hidden or shown.
isInPlayground() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Checks if the turtle stays within the playground.
isPenUp() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Reports if the pen is up.
isWrap() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Requests if the turtle is in wrap mode.


kbhit() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Returns true, if a key was typed since the last call to getChar() or getCharWait().
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleKeyAdapter
For internal use only.


label(String, Turtle) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Same as label(String text, Turtle t, char align) with align = 'l'.
label(String, Turtle, char) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Draws the text at the current position of the Turtle t.
label(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Draw the specified text at the current turtle position using the current text font (default SansSerif, Font.PLAIN, 24).
label(String, char) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Draw the specified text at the current turtle position using the current text font (default SansSerif, Font.PLAIN, 24).
left(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Same as lt()
leftArc(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Moves the turtle on a left-oriented arc from the current position with turtle's heading tangent direction, given radius and given sector angle.
leftCircle(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Moves the turtle on a left-oriented circle from the current position with turtle's heading tangent direction and given radius.
LineRenderer - Class in ch.aplu.turtle
This class is responsible for drawing the turtle's lines.
lineTo(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.LineRenderer
Calls the internalLineTo(x,y), which does the actual painting.
lineTo(Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.LineRenderer
Calls the internalLineTo(x,y), which does the actual painting.
lt(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Turns the turtle to the left.
LTGRAY - Static variable in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Short for Color.LIGHT_GRAY.


MAGENTA - Static variable in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Short for Color.MAGENTA.
Main - Class in ch.aplu.turtle
Main contains a public static void main() entry point and is able to create an instance of another class (by Java reflection), so that its default contructor is invoked.
main(String[]) - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Main
Program entry point.
main(String[]) - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleRunner
Program entry point.
MouseDoubleClickListener - Interface in ch.aplu.turtle
The listener interface for receiving mouse double-click events.
mouseHit(double, double) - Method in interface ch.aplu.turtle.MouseHitListener
Invoked in a separate thread when the left mouse buttons is pressed.
MouseHitListener - Interface in ch.aplu.turtle
The listener interface for receiving mouse press events.
mouseHitX(double, double) - Method in interface ch.aplu.turtle.MouseHitXListener
Method invoked in a separate thread when the left mouse buttons is pressed.
MouseHitXListener - Interface in ch.aplu.turtle
The listener interface for receiving mouse press events.
moveTo(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Moves the turtle to the given position.
moveTo(Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Moves the turtle to the given position.


NoMain - Annotation Type in ch.aplu.turtle
Annotation definition for applications with no public static void main() method.
NOTHING_ON_CLOSE - Static variable in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Mode attribute for a turtle frame that does nothing when the close button is hit (value: -1).
notifyClick(MouseEvent) - Method in interface ch.aplu.turtle.MouseDoubleClickListener
Invoked when a click is detected.
notifyDoubleClick(MouseEvent) - Method in interface ch.aplu.turtle.MouseDoubleClickListener
Invoked when a double-click is detected.
notifyExit() - Method in interface ch.aplu.turtle.ExitListener
Invoked when the close button in the title bar is pressed.


openDot(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Draws an open dot (unfilled circle) with line width 1 at the current turtle position using the current pen color.
Options - Class in ch.aplu.turtle
Class to select initializing options for the ch.aplu.turtle package.


PackageInfo - Class in ch.aplu.turtle
Class to provide the current package version.
PackageInfo() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.PackageInfo
paint(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleRenderer
This method is responsible for painting the turtle onto the playground at (x, y).
paint(Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleRenderer
This method is responsible for painting the turtle onto the playground at p.
paint(double, double, Graphics) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleRenderer
This method is responsible for painting the Turtle at (x, y).
paint(Point2D.Double, Graphics) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleRenderer
This method is responsible for painting the Turtle at p.
paintComponent() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Paints the playground.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Draws the trace and turtle buffers.
paintTurtle(Turtle) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Paints the given Turtle.
paintTurtles(Turtle) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Moves the given Turtle above all the others, then paints all turtles.
paintTurtles() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Paints all turtles (calling paintComponent())
paste(BufferedImage, BufferedImage, int, int) - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.GBitmap
Returns a clone of the original image where a part is replaced by another image.
pd() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Lowers the turtle's pen, so the trace is drawn.
pe() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Sets the pen color to the background color, so existing traces are erased.
Pen - Class in ch.aplu.turtle
The Pen class provides anything used for drawing the lines, such as line width, pen color, end caps, dashed lines, etc.
Pen() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen
Constructor with standard pen color (black) and and standard Stroke.
Pen(Color) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen
Constructor with given color and standard Stroke.
Pen.TextInfo - Class in ch.aplu.turtle
Text information.
Pen.TextInfo() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen.TextInfo
penDown() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Same as pd().
penErase() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Same as pe().
penUp() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Same as pu().
penWidth(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Sets the line width of the traces.
penWidth() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns the current pen width.
Playground - Class in ch.aplu.turtle
A Playground is the turtle's home, i.e. where the turtle moves and draws traces.
Playground() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Creates a Playground with standard size and default background color.
Playground(Color) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Creates a Playground with standard size and given background color.
Playground(Dimension) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Creates a new Playground with given size.
Playground(Dimension, Color) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Creates a new Playground with given size and background color.
popState() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Retrieves the last state from the turtle state buffer and sets the turtle properties accordingly.
print(Graphics, PageFormat, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
For internal use only.
print(TPrintable, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Prints the graphics context to an attached printer with the given magnification scale factor.
print(TPrintable) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Same as print(tp, scale) with scale = 1.
printScreen(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Print the turtle's current playground with given scale.
printScreen() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Same as printScreen(scale) with scale = 1.
pu() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Lifts the turtle's pen up, so no trace is drawn.
pushState() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Saves the current turtle state in a turtle state buffer.


RAINBOW_COLORS - Static variable in class ch.aplu.turtle.X11Color
RED - Static variable in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Short for Color.RED.
RELEASE_ON_CLOSE - Static variable in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Mode attribute for a turtle frame that closes the turtle frame by disposing all resources (value: 5), but does not call System.exit().
remove(Turtle) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Removes a Turtle from the Playground.
repaint() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Performs manual repainting when automatic repainting is disabled.
right(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Same as rt().
rightArc(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Moves the turtle on a right-oriented arc from the current position with turtle's heading tangent direction, given radius and given sector angle.
rightCircle(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Moves the turtle on a right-oriented circle from the current position with turtle's heading tangent direction and given radius.
rt(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Turns the turtle to the right.


save(BufferedImage, String, String) - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.GBitmap
Writes a image file of the given BufferedImage.
save(String, String) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Saves the playground (turtles and traces) in an image file.
savePlayground(String, String) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Saves the playground (turtles and traces) in an image file.
scale(BufferedImage, double, double) - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.GBitmap
Transforms the given buffered image by scaling by the given factor and rotating by the given angle.
setAngle(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleRenderer
Sets the current image to the one corresponding to the angle angle.
setAngleResolution(int) - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Options
Default angle resolution used for animation.
setAngleResolution(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Sets the angle resolution when animating the turtle rotation.
setAntiAliasing(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Sets antialiasing on or off for the turtle trace buffer This may result in an better trace quality.
setBackgroundColor(Color) - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Options
Default background color of playground.
setBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtlePane
Property setter.
setBkColor(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Sets the background color of the playground.
setBkImage(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Draws the given image into the background (trace buffer).
setClosingMode(String) - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Options
Determines what happens when the title bar close button is hit.
setClosingMode(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Determines what happens when the title bar close button is hit.
setColor(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen
Sets the Pens color.
setColor(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Sets the turtle's color.
setColor(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Sets the turtle's color as string.
setCursor(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Sets the mouse cursor image.
setCursor(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Sets the mouse cursor image.
setCustomCursor(String, Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Sets the mouse cursor image to a custom icon.
setCustomCursor(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Same as setCustomCursor(cursorImage, hotSpot) with hotSpot in center of image.
setCustomCursor(String, Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Sets the mouse cursor image to a custom icon.
setCustomCursor(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Same as setCustomCursor(cursorImage, hotSpot) with hotSpot in center of image.
setDash(float[]) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen
Sets the Pens dash array.
setDashPhase(float) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen
Sets the Pens dash phase.
setDoubleClickDelay(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Sets the time delay the system uses to distinct click and double-click mouse events.
setEdgeBehavior(String) - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Options
Default behavior when the turtle reaches the edge of the playground.
setEnableFocus(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtlePane
Property setter.
setEndCap(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen
Sets the Pens end cap style.
setFillColor(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen
Sets the Pens fill color.
setFillColor(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Sets the fill color for fill().
setFillColor(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Sets the fill color for fill() using the color as string.
setFont(Font) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen
Changes the font to the given one.
setFont(Font) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Sets the current text font (default: Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 24).
setFont(String, int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Sets the current text font (default: Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 24).
setFontSize(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen
Changes the font size (in points).
setFontSize(float) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen
Changes the font size (in points).
setFontSize(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Sets the font size.
setFontStyle(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen
Changes the font style.
setFontStyle(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Sets the font style.
setFramePosition(int, int) - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Options
Default position of frame (ulx, uly).
setFramesPerSecoonds(int) - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Options
Default frames per second used for animation.
setFrameTitle(String) - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Options
Default title displayed in the frame title bar.
setH(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Sets the turtle's heading (zero to north, clockwise positive).
setHeading(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Same as setH().
setLineJoin(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen
Sets the Pens line join style.
setLineWidth(float) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen
Sets the Pens line width.
setLineWidth(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Sets the line width of the traces.
setMiterLimit(float) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen
Sets the Pens miter limit.
setPenColor(Color) - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Options
Default pen color.
setPenColor(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Sets the turtle's pen color.
setPenColor(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Sets the turtle's pen color as string.
setPenWidth(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Sets the line width of the traces.
setPixelColor(int, int, Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.GBitmap
Modifies the color of the pixel at given x, y coordinates.
setPixelColor(int[], Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.GBitmap
Modifies the color of the pixel at given point (defined as int array for Jython compatibility).
setPixelColorStr(int, int, String) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.GBitmap
Modifies the color (defined as X11 color name) of the pixel at given x, y coordinates.
setPixelColorStr(int[], String) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.GBitmap
Modifies the color (defined as X11 color name) of the pixel at given point (defined as int array for Jython compatibility).
setPlaygroundSize(int, int) - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Options
Default size of playground (width, height).
setPos(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Puts the turtle to a new position without drawing a trace.
setPos(Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Puts the turtle to a new position without drawing a trace.
setRandomHeading() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Sets the turtle's heading to a random value between 0 and 360 degrees.
setRandomPos(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Puts the turtle to a new random position in a rectangle area with given width and height (center in the middle of the playground) without drawing a trace.
setScreenLocation(Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Sets the location of the window on the screen and returns the old location.
setScreenPos(Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Puts the Turtle to a new screen position without drawing a trace.
setScreenX(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Puts the turtle to a new position with the given screen x-coordinates without drawing a trace.
setScreenY(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Puts the turtle to a new position with the given screen y-coordinates without drawing a trace.
setStatusText(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Replaces the text in the status bar by the given text using the current JOptionPane font and color.
setStatusText(String, Font, Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Replaces the text in the status bar by the given text using the given font and text color.
setStatusText(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Replaces the text in the status bar by the given text using the current JOptionPane font and color.
setStatusText(String, Font, Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Replaces the text in the status bar by the given text using the given font and text color.
setTitle(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Sets the title of turtle's playground
setTransparency(BufferedImage, double) - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.GBitmap
Returns a clone of the given image where each pixel has a new transparency value (alpha component in the ARGB color model).
setTurtleColor(Color) - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Options
Default color of the turtle shape.
setTurtleSpeed(int) - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Options
Default turtle speed used for animation.
setX(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Puts the turtle to a new position with the given x-coordinates without drawing a trace.
setY(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Puts the turtle to a new position with the given y-coordinates without drawing a trace.
showStatusBar(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Shows/hides the status bar.
showStatusBar(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Shows or hides the status bar.
showTurtle() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Same as st().
sleep(int) - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Delays execution for the given amount of time (in ms).
sound(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Plays a sine tone with given frequency and duration and maximum volume.
sound(double, double, double, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Plays a sine tone with given frequency and duration.
speed(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Sets the turtle's speed.
spray(int, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Same as spray(density, extend, size) with size = 1.
spray(int, double, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Draws a random scatter plot at turtle position with current pen color.
st() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Makes a hidden turtle visible.
stampTurtle() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Shows a turtle image (a clone) at the current position/heading.
stampTurtle(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Shows a turtle image (a clone) with given color at the current position/heading.
stampTurtle(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Shows a turtle image (a clone) with given color as string at the current position/heading.
STANDARDFRAME - Static variable in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Mode attribute for normal turtle applications (default, value: 0).
startPath() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Starts recording the path vertexes where the turtle moves.


toBottom(Turtle) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Puts a Turtle below all others.
toBottom() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Puts the turtle to the bottom, so other turtles will be drawn above.
toColor(String) - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns the Color reference for the given color as string.
toColor(String) - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.X11Color
Returns the color reference attributed to the given X11 color name.
toColorStr(Color) - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.X11Color
Returns the X11 color name attributed to the given color.
toScreenCoords(Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Calculates the screen coordinates of the given point.
toScreenCoords(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Calculates the screen coordinates of the given point coordinates.
toString() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns a string with turtle information in format Turtle(Position=(x, y), Heading=h) unless the turtle frame is disposed.
toTop(Turtle) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Puts a Turtle above all others.
toTop() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Puts the turtle to the top, so other turtles will be drawn below.
toTurtleCoords(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Calculates the turtle coordinates of the given screen coordinates.
toTurtleCoords(Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Playground
Calculates the turtle coordinates of the given screen point.
toTurtlePos(Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Converts from screen coordinates to turtle coordinates.
toTurtlePos(int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Converts from screen coordinates to turtle coordinates.
toTurtleX(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Converts from screen coordinates to turtle coordinates.
toTurtleY(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Converts from screen coordinates to turtle coordinates.
towards(Turtle) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns the direction (heading) to a given other turtle.
towards(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns the direction (heading) to a given position.
towards(Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns the direction (heading) to a given position.
TPrintable - Interface in ch.aplu.turtle
Interface for printing on an attached printer.
Turtle - Class in ch.aplu.turtle
The core class for turtles.
Turtle() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Creates a new turtle in its own new window.
Turtle(boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Creates a new turtle with specified visibility in its own new window.
Turtle(Color) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Creates a new turtle with specified color in its own new window.
Turtle(String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Creates a new turtle with specified color as string in its own new window.
Turtle(JMenuBar, Color) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Creates a new turtle with specified color in its own new window with the given menu.
Turtle(TurtleContainer) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Creates a new turtle in the given TurtleContainer.
Turtle(TurtlePane) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Creates a new turtle in the given TurtlePane.
Turtle(TurtleContainer, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Creates a new turtle with specified visibility in the given TurtleContainer.
Turtle(TurtleContainer, Color) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Creates a new turtle with specified color in the given TurtleContainer.
Turtle(TurtleContainer, String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Creates a new turtle with specified color as a string in the given TurtleContainer.
Turtle(Turtle) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Creates a new turtle in the same TurtleContainer (window) as the given turtle.
Turtle(Turtle, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Creates a new turtle in the same TurtleContainer (window) as the given turtle and specifies its visibility.
Turtle(Turtle, Color) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Creates a new turtle with the specified color in the same TurtleContainer (window) as the given turtle.
Turtle(Turtle, String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Creates a new turtle with specified color as string in the same TurtleContainer (window) as the given turtle.
TurtleArea - Class in ch.aplu.turtle
This class is used for a turtle applet.
TurtleArea(JApplet) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleArea
Creates an applet window with given applet container.
TurtleArea(JApplet, Color) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleArea
Creates an applet window with given applet container and background color.
TurtleArea(JApplet, int, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleArea
Creates an applet window with given applet container, width and height.
TurtleArea(JApplet, int, int, Color) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleArea
Creates an applet window with given applet container, width, height and background color.
TurtleContainer - Interface in ch.aplu.turtle
Implement this interface to define your own top-level container which contains turtles.
TurtleFactory - Class in ch.aplu.turtle
Helper class to generate the standard turtle shape.
TurtleFactory() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFactory
TurtleFrame - Class in ch.aplu.turtle
This class is used for the turtle application.
TurtleFrame() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Creates a window with default title.
TurtleFrame(String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Creates a window with given title.
TurtleFrame(JMenuBar) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Creates a window with default title and given JMenuBar.
TurtleFrame(String, JMenuBar) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Creates a window with given title and JMenuBar.
TurtleFrame(Color) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Creates a window with default title and give background color.
TurtleFrame(String, Color) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Creates a window with given title and background color.
TurtleFrame(String, JMenuBar, Color) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Creates a window with given title, JMenuBar and background color.
TurtleFrame(String, int, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Creates a window with given title, playground width and height.
TurtleFrame(String, int, int, Color) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Creates a window with given title, playground width, height and background color.
TurtleFrame(String, JMenuBar, int, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Creates a window with given title, JMenuBar, playground width and height.
TurtleFrame(String, JMenuBar, int, int, Color) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Creates a window with given title, JMenuBar, playground width, height and background color.
TurtleFrame(int, int, String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Creates a window with given r, g and title.
TurtleFrame(int, int, String, int, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Creates a window with given r, g, title, playground width and height.
TurtleFrame(int, int, String, int, int, Color) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Creates a window with given r, g, title, playground width, height and background color.
TurtleFrame(int, int, String, JMenuBar, int, int, Color) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Creates a window with given r, g, title, JMenuBar, playground width, height and background color.
TurtleFrame(int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Creates a window with given mode.
TurtleFrame(int, String, int, int, Color) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Creates a window with given mode, title, width, height and background color.
TurtleFrame(int, int, int, String, JMenuBar, int, int, Color) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFrame
Creates a window with given mode, r, g, title, JMenuBar, width, height and background color.
turtleHit(Turtle, double, double) - Method in interface ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleHitListener
Invoked in a separate thread when the left mouse buttons is pressed and the mouse cursor is inside the turtle image.
TurtleHitListener - Interface in ch.aplu.turtle
The listener interface for receiving mouse press events.
turtleImage(Color, double, int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.BitmapTurtleFactory
Generates the shape of the turtle with given color, angle (in radian, zero to north, counterclockwise), width and height in pixels.
turtleImage(Color, double, int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleFactory
Generates the shape of the turtle with given color, angle (in radian, zero to east, counterclockwise), width and height in pixels.
TurtleKeyAdapter - Class in ch.aplu.turtle
Class that overides KeyAdapter.keyPressed() in order to get key events.
TurtleKeyAdapter() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleKeyAdapter
TurtlePane - Class in ch.aplu.turtle
A bean class derived from Playground that can be used as component in a GUI builder.
TurtlePane() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtlePane
Parameterless bean constructor.
TurtlePaneBeanInfo - Class in ch.aplu.turtle
A bean info class derived from SimpleBeanInfo in order to restrict the visible properties of bean class TurtlePane.
TurtlePaneBeanInfo() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtlePaneBeanInfo
TurtleProgram - Interface in ch.aplu.turtle
Empty interface to signal that the program is an application without public static void main() and should be created by the TurtleRunner.
TurtleRenderer - Class in ch.aplu.turtle
This class is responsible for creating and selecting the correct turtle picture.
TurtleRenderer(Turtle) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.TurtleRenderer
Creates a TurtleRenderer instance for the given turtle.
TurtleRunner - Class in ch.aplu.turtle
TurtleRunner contains a public static void main() entry point and is able to create an instance of another class (by Java reflection), so that its default contructor is invoked.


VERSION - Static variable in class ch.aplu.turtle.PackageInfo
Current version of package.
version() - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns libarary version information.
viewingMoveTo(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Moves the turtle to the new relative position.
viewingSetPos(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Puts the turtle to a new relative position without drawing a trace.


wavelengthToColor(int) - Static method in class ch.aplu.turtle.X11Color
Returns the color corresponding to the spectral wavelength.
WHITE - Static variable in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Short for Color.WHITE.
width - Variable in class ch.aplu.turtle.Pen.TextInfo
Length of text in pixels
wrap() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Sets the turtle to wrap mode.


X11Color - Class in ch.aplu.turtle
This class provides the mapping of X11 colors names (in string notation) to RGB colors represented the java.awt.Color class.
X11Color(String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.turtle.X11Color
Creates a color with given X11 color name.


YELLOW - Static variable in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Short for Color.YELLOW.


_getPos() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns the current unbounded turtle position.
_getX() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns the current unbounded turtle's x-coordinate.
_getY() - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Returns the current unbounded turtle's y-coordinate.
_sleep(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.turtle.Turtle
Non-static version of sleep().
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