Module gpanel :: Class GPane
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Class GPane

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PyQt4.QtGui.QWidget --+    
                 GPanel --+

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
Creates a GPanel with no application window.
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Inherited from GPanel: addCloseListener, addKeyPressListener, addKeyReleaseListener, addMouseDragListener, addMousePressListener, addMouseReleaseListener, arc, arrow, chord, circle, clear, closeEvent, doubleArrow, draw, drawGrid, ellipse, enableRepaint, erase, fill, fillArc, fillChord, fillCircle, fillEllipse, fillPath, fillPolygon, fillRectangle, fillTriangle, getFullImage, getPainter, getPixelColor, getPixelColorStr, getPos, getPosX, getPosY, getScreenHeight, getScreenWidth, isLeftMouseButton, isRightMouseButton, keep, keyPressEvent, keyReleaseEvent, line, linePlot, mouseMoveEvent, mousePressEvent, mouseReleaseEvent, move, paintEvent, point, polygon, pos, rectangle, repaint, restoreGraphics, saveGraphics, setBgColor, setColor, setPaintMode, setPenColor, setPenSize, setTitle, setUserCoords, setWindowCenter, setWindowPos, setXORMode, showImage, startPath, text, toPixel, toPixelHeight, toPixelWidth, toPixelX, toPixelY, toUser, toUserHeight, toUserWidth, toUserX, toUserY, triangle, windowCenter, windowPosition

Static Methods [hide private]

Inherited from GPanel: crop, floodFill, getDividingPoint, getPixelColorImg, getRandomX11Color, getScreenCenter, loadImage, scale

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

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Creates a GPanel with no application window.

  • Size - a Size refererence that defines the width and height of the graphics window.
Overrides: GPanel.__init__