Module ServoMotor :: Class ServoMotor
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Class ServoMotor

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Class that represents a servo motor.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, id, home, inc)
Creates a servo motor instance and sets it at home position.
source code
setPos(self, position)
Sets the relative position of the servo motor.
source code
setPosAbs(self, position)
Sets the absolute position of the servo motor.
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_checkRobot(self) source code
Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, id, home, inc)

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Creates a servo motor instance and sets it at home position. For most servos: home = 300, inc = 2

  • id - the id of the motor (0..3)
  • home - the PWM duty cycle for the home position (0..4095)
  • inc - the increment factor (inc_duty/inc_position)

setPos(self, position)

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Sets the relative position of the servo motor.

  • position - the position with respect to home and using the inc_duty/inc_position factor For most servo motors in range -200 .. 200

setPosAbs(self, position)

source code 

Sets the absolute position of the servo motor.

  • position - the position in arbitrary units in range 0..4095 (determines PWM duty cycle) For most servo motors in range 100..500