Module Display
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Source Code for Module Display

  1  # 
  3  ''' 
  4  Class that represents a 7-segment display attached to the I2C port. 
  7   This software is part of the raspibrick module. 
  8   It is Open Source Free Software, so you may 
  9   - run the code for any purpose 
 10   - study how the code works and adapt it to your needs 
 11   - integrate all or parts of the code in your own programs 
 12   - redistribute copies of the code777 
 13   - improve the code and release your improvements to the public 
 14   However the use of the code is entirely your responsibility. 
 17  The 7 segments have the following binary values 
 18             1 
 19             - 
 20       32 |     |2 
 22            64 
 23             - 
 24       16 |     |4 
 25             - 
 26             8 
 28  The decimal points use value 128 with digit 1, 2 or 3 
 29  ''' 
 31  from Disp4tronix import Disp4tronix 
 32  from DgTell import DgTell 
 33  from DgTell1 import DgTell1 
 34  from RobotInstance import RobotInstance 
 35  from Tools import * 
 37  # ------------------------   Class Display  ------------------------------------------- 
38 -class Display():
39 ''' 40 Abstraction of the 4 digit 7-segment display attached to the I2C port. 41 If no display is found, all methods return immediately. 42 ''' 43 _myInstance = None 44
45 - def __init__(self):
46 ''' 47 Creates a display instance either from class Display4tronix or DisplayDidel. 48 Because the 4tronix display is multiplexed (one digit shown after 49 the other, a display thread is used to display all 4 digits in a rapid succession. 50 ''' 51 self._checkRobot() 52 robot = RobotInstance.getRobot() 53 self.text = "" 54 self.pos = 0 55 self.dp = [0, 0, 0, 0] 56 if robot.displayType == "4tronix": 57 Display._myInstance = Disp4tronix() 58 self.available = True 59 elif robot.displayType == "didel": 60 Display._myInstance = DgTell() 61 self.available = True 62 elif robot.displayType == "didel1": 63 Display._myInstance = DgTell1() 64 self.available = True 65 else: 66 self.available = False
67 68
69 - def clear(self):
70 ''' 71 Turns all digits off. Stops a running display thread. 72 ''' 73 if not self.available: 74 return 75 self._checkRobot() 76 self.text = "" 77 return Display._myInstance.clear()
79 - def showText(self, text, pos = 0, dp = [0, 0, 0, 0]):
80 ''' 81 Displays 4 characters of the given text. The text is considered to be prefixed and postfixed by spaces 82 and the 4 character window is selected by the text pointer pos that determines the character displayed at the 83 leftmost digit, e.g. (_: empty): 84 showText("AbCdEF") -> AbCd 85 showText("AbCdEF", 1) -> bCdE 86 showText("AbCdEF", -1) ->_AbC 87 showText("AbCdEF", 4) -> EF__ 88 Because the 4tronix display is multiplexed (one digit shown after the other), 89 a display thread is started now to display all 4 digits in a rapid succession (if it is not yet started). 90 The parameters are saved and compared to the values at the next invocation. If all are identical, the function returns 91 immediately. 92 @param text: the text to display (list, tuple, string or integer) 93 @param pos: the start value of the text pointer (character index positioned a leftmost digit) 94 @param dp: a list with one to four 1 or 0, if the decimal point is shown or not. 95 The decimal point selection depends on the attached display type. For the 4tronix display: the first element in list 96 corresponds to right dp, second element to center floor dp, the third element to center ceil dp. For the DgTell: 97 the first element in list corresponds to dp at second digit from the right, the second element to dp 98 at third digit from the right, the third element to dp at leftmost digit, the forth element to the dp at 99 rightmost digit. More than 4 elements are ignored 100 @return: True, if successful; False, if the display is not available, 101 text or dp has illegal type or one of the characters can't be displayed 102 ''' 103 if not self.available: 104 return 105 if text == self.text and pos == self.pos and cmp(dp, self.dp) == 0: 106 return 107 self.text = text 108 self.pos = pos 109 self.dp = dp 110 self._checkRobot() 111 if type(pos) != int: 112 pos = 0 113 if type(dp) != list: 114 dp = [0, 0, 0, 0] 115 Display._myInstance.showText(text, pos, dp)
117 - def scrollToLeft(self):
118 ''' 119 Scrolls the scrollable text one step to the left. 120 @return: the number of characters remaining at the right 121 ''' 122 if not self.available: 123 return 124 self._checkRobot() 125 self.text = "" 126 return Display._myInstance.scrollToLeft()
128 - def scrollToRight(self):
129 ''' 130 Scrolls the scrollable text one step to the left. 131 @return: the number of characters remaining at the left 132 ''' 133 if not self.available: 134 return 135 self.text = "" 136 return Display._myInstance.scrollToRight()
138 - def setToStart(self):
139 ''' 140 Shows the scrollable text at the start position. 141 @return: 0, if successful; -1, if error 142 ''' 143 if not self.available: 144 return 145 self._checkRobot() 146 self.text = "" 147 return Display._myInstance.setToStart()
149 - def showTicker(self, text, count = 1, speed = 2, blocking = False):
150 ''' 151 Shows a ticker text that scroll to left until the last 4 characters are displayed. 152 @param text: the text to display, if short than 4 characters, scrolling is disabled 153 @param count: the number of repetitions (default: 1). For count = 0, infinite duration, 154 may be stopped by calling stopTicker(). 155 @param speed: the speed number of scrolling operations per sec (default: 2) 156 @param blocking: if True, the method blocks until the ticker has finished; otherwise 157 it returns immediately (default: False) 158 ''' 159 if not self.available: 160 return 161 self._checkRobot() 162 self.text = "" 163 Display._myInstance.showTicker(text, count, speed, blocking)
165 - def stopTicker(self):
166 ''' 167 Stops a running ticker. 168 The method blocks until the ticker thread is finished and isTickerAlive() returns False. 169 ''' 170 if not self.available: 171 return 172 self._checkRobot() 173 Display._myInstance.stopTicker()
175 - def isTickerAlive(self):
176 ''' 177 @return: True, if the ticker is displaying; otherwise False 178 ''' 179 if not self.available: 180 return False 181 Tools.delay(1) 182 self._checkRobot() 183 return Display._myInstance.isTickerAlive()
185 - def showBlinker(self, text, dp = [0, 0, 0, 0], count = 3, speed = 1, blocking = False):
186 ''' 187 Shows a blinking text for the given number of times and blinking speed. 188 @param text: the text to display, if short than 4 characters, scrolling is disabled 189 @param count: the number of repetitions (default: 3). For count = 0, infinite duration, 190 may be stopped by calling stopBlinker(). 191 @param speed: the speed number of blinking operations per sec (default: 1) 192 @param blocking: if True, the method blocks until the blinker has finished; otherwise 193 it returns immediately (default: False) 194 ''' 195 if not self.available: 196 return 197 self._checkRobot() 198 self.text = "" 199 Display._myInstance.showBlinker(text, dp, count, speed, blocking)
201 - def stopBlinker(self):
202 ''' 203 Stops a running blinker. 204 The method blocks until the blinker thread is finished and isBlinkerAlive() returns False. 205 ''' 206 if not self.available: 207 return 208 self._checkRobot() 209 Display._myInstance.stopBlinker()
211 - def isBlinkerAlive(self):
212 ''' 213 @return: True, if the blinker is displaying; otherwise False 214 ''' 215 if not self.available: 216 return False 217 Tools.delay(1) 218 self._checkRobot() 219 return Display._myInstance.isBlinkerAlive()
221 - def showVersion(self):
222 ''' 223 Displays current version. Format X (three horz bars) + n.nn 224 ''' 225 v = "X" + DgTell.VERSION.replace(".", "") 226 self.showText(v, pos = 0, dp = [0, 1])
228 - def isAvailable(self):
229 ''' 230 @return: True, if the display is detetectd on the I2C interface; otherwise False 231 ''' 232 if not self.available: 233 return False 234 return self.available
236 - def _checkRobot(self):
237 if RobotInstance.getRobot() == None: 238 raise Exception("Create Robot instance first")