Interface SoundConverter

public interface SoundConverter

Interface for easy integration of a sound converter to SoundPlayer and SoundPlayerExt classes. Typically a converter may apply some sort of 'filtering', e.g. change the pitch with same tempo or change the tempo with same pitch. The sound is converted by data junks. putSamples() feeds the converter with a new data junk. receiveSamples() returns the converted samples. Because there may be same convertion delay, receiveSamples() may return none, a part or all converted samples of data previously sent to the converter. If the number of available bytes exceeds 'maxBytes', receiveSamples() is called several times until all data is retrieved. The input and output format to the converter must have PCM_SIGNED mono or stereo format (16 bit little endian).

Method Summary
 void cleanup()
          Callback method called when no more data is available before closing SoundPlayer's output to the sound device.
 void putSamples(byte[] inBuffer, int nbBytes)
          Notification from the SoundPlayer that the given number of samples is available in inBuffer to be converted by the SoundConverter.
 int receiveSamples(byte[] outBuffer, int nbBytes)
          Notification from the SoundPlayer to get back the converted data in outBuffer.
 void update()
          Callback method called each time before the new samples from the inBuffer are fed into the converter.

Method Detail


void putSamples(byte[] inBuffer,
                int nbBytes)
Notification from the SoundPlayer that the given number of samples is available in inBuffer to be converted by the SoundConverter. If mono, numBytes is a multiple of 2 (2 bytes per sample) If stereo, numBytes is be multiple of 4 (4 bytes per sample) The value depends on the frame size.


int receiveSamples(byte[] outBuffer,
                   int nbBytes)
Notification from the SoundPlayer to get back the converted data in outBuffer. The SoundPlayer then plays the passed nbBytes samples and calls receiveSamples() again, until receiveSamples() returns 0. The data format must be maintained: If mono, nbBytes is a multiple of 2 (2 bytes per sample) If stereo, nbBytes is be multiple of 4 (4 bytes per sample)


void update()
Callback method called each time before the new samples from the inBuffer are fed into the converter. May be used to change converter parameters in realtime.


void cleanup()
Callback method called when no more data is available before closing SoundPlayer's output to the sound device. May be used to flush the sound converter's buffer. Remaining sound data is sent to the sound device and the device is closed.