Class Turtle

  extended by ch.aplu.gidlet.Turtle

public class Turtle
extends java.lang.Object

Logo-like turtle that moves on a graphics display, called playground. The coordinate system has it's reference point in the middle of the screen with x-coordinates to the right and y-coordinates upward both in the range -200..200 (doubles). For simplicity the turtle shape is a triangle. Each turtle instance has it's own playground. The most recent turtle's playground is visible, while other playgrounds or Gui windows become hidden. The hidden windows may be updated in any way, but the change is only visible, when calling their show() method.
Default colors:
background (playground) color: black
turtle color: light gray
turtle pen color: white
fill color: white


import ch.aplu.gidlet.*;

public class TurtleGidlet extends Gidlet
  public void main()
    Turtle t = new Turtle();

    for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++)
      for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)

Nested Class Summary
protected  class Turtle.PointD
Field Summary
protected  ch.aplu.gidlet.TurtleShape shape
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a Turtle instance with default background (playground) color and default turtle color.
Turtle(boolean visible)
          Constructs a Turtle instance with given visibility, default background (playground) color and default turtle color.
Turtle(int color)
          Constructs a Turtle instance with default background (playground) color and given turtle color.
Turtle(int color, boolean visible)
          Constructs a Turtle instance with default background (playground) color, given turtle color and visibility.
Turtle(int bgColor, int color, boolean visible)
          Constructs a Turtle instance with given background (playground) color, turtle color and visibility.
Turtle(java.lang.String title)
          Constructs a Turtle instance with given playground title, default background (playground) color and default turtle color.
Turtle(java.lang.String title, int bgColor, int color, boolean visible)
          Constructs a Turtle instance with given playground title, background (playground) color, turtle color and visibility.
Turtle(java.lang.String title, int bgColor, int color, boolean visible, boolean showPlayground)
          Constructs a Turtle instance with given playground title, background (playground) color, turtle color and visibility.
Turtle(Turtle t)
          Creates a turtle clone that has exactly the same properties, playground title and traces as the given turtle.
Turtle(Turtle t, java.lang.String title)
          Creates a turtle clone that has exactly the same properties and traces as the given turtle, but the playground has the given title.
Method Summary
 double _getX()
          Returns the x-coordinate.
 double _getY()
          Returns the y-coordinate.
 Turtle addKeyListener(KeyListener keyListener)
          Registers an KeyListener to get a notification when a button is clicked.
 Turtle back(double s)
          Moves turtle the given distance backward.
 Turtle beep()
          Emits a beep.
 Turtle bk(double s)
          Short for back().
 Turtle clean()
          Erases traces and text, but let turtle where it is.
 Turtle clear()
          Clears the entire playground.
 Turtle clip()
          Causes turtle not to wrap around playground borders, e.g. when it leaves the playground it disappaers.
 Turtle clone()
          Creates a new turtle that has exactly the same properties, playground title and traces.
 Turtle clone(java.lang.String title)
          Creates a new turtle that has exactly the same properties and traces, but the given playground title.
 double distance(double x, double y)
          Returns the distance from the current position to the given position.
 Turtle drawLabel(int index, java.lang.String text)
          Draws the given text using the current pen color and text font at the current turtle position.
 boolean enableRepaint(boolean b)
          Enables/disables automatic updating the window after each turtle movement.
 Turtle eraseLabel(int index)
          Erases the text with given index.
 Turtle fd(double s)
          Short for forward().
 Turtle fillOff()
          Stops the filling started by calling fillToPoint(), fillToHorizontal() or fillToVertical().
 Turtle fillToHorizontal(double y)
          Draws a imaginary horizonatal line at given y-coordinate, when the turtle subsequently moves around, the trapezoidal area that is covered by this line and the turtle position is filled using the current fill color.
 Turtle fillToPoint(double x, double y)
          Attachs a imaginary rubber band at the given position, when the turtle subsequently moves around, the area that is covered by the rubber band is filled using the current fill color.
 Turtle fillToVertical(double x)
          Draws a imaginary vertical line at given x-coordinate, when the turtle subsequently moves around, the trapezoidal area that is covered by this line and the turtle position is filled using the current fill color.
 Turtle forward(double s)
          Moves turtle the given distance forward.
 int getColor()
          Returns the turtle color.
 Playground getPlayground()
          Returns the turtle's playground, which is an instance of javax.microedition.lcdui.Canvas.
 double getX()
          Returns the x-coordinate.
 double getY()
          Returns the y-coordinate.
 double heading()
          Returns the angle of vision (angle in respect to north, positive clockwise).
 Turtle hideTurtle()
          Makes turtle invisible.
 Turtle home()
          Moves the turtle to the initial position at (0, 0) looking north.
 Turtle ht()
          Short for hideTurtle().
protected  void init()
          Initializes Turtle.
 boolean isHidden()
          Returns true if turtle is invisible (hidden), otherwise false.
 boolean isPenUp()
          Returns true if turtle's pen is up, otherwise false.
 boolean isWrap()
          Returns true, if turtle is in wrap mode, otherwise false.
 Turtle left(double angle)
          Turns turtle the given angle (in degrees) to the left.
 Turtle lt(double angle)
          Short for left().
 Turtle pd()
          Short for penDown().
 Turtle pe()
          Short for penErase().
 Turtle penDown()
          Lower pen, so that the trace is drawn.
 Turtle penErase()
          Changes pen color to the background color.
 Turtle penUp()
          Lifts pen, so that the trace is not drawn.
 Turtle pu()
          Short for penUp().
 Turtle removeKeyListener()
          Removes a registered KeyListener.
 Turtle repaint()
          Performs manual repainting when automatic repainting is disabled.
 Turtle right(double angle)
          Turns turtle the given angle (in degrees) to the right.
 Turtle rt(double angle)
          Short for right().
 Turtle setColor(int color)
          Sets turtle's color to the given color.
 Turtle setColor(int r, int g, int b)
          Sets turtle's color to the given color in RGB-format.
 Turtle setDelay(int time)
          Sets the given time delay in ms after each turtle movement.
 Turtle setFillColor(int color)
          Sets the color for subsequent filling.
 Turtle setFillColor(int r, int g, int b)
          Sets the color in RGB-format for subsequent filling.
 Turtle setFont(int face, int style, int size)
          Sets the current text font for drawing labels.
 Turtle setH(double angle)
          Short for setHeading().
 Turtle setHeading(double angle)
          Sets the angle of vision (angle in respect to north, positive clockwise) to the given value (in degrees).
 Turtle setPenColor(int color)
          Sets turtle's pen color to the given color.
 Turtle setPenColor(int r, int g, int b)
          Sets turtle's pen color to the given color in RGB-format.
 Turtle setPos(double x, double y)
          Sets turtle to the given coordinates, without drawing a trace.
 Turtle setPosX(double x)
          Sets turtle to the given x-position without drawing a trace while the y-coordinate remains unchanged.
 Turtle setPosY(double y)
          Sets turtle to the given y-position, without drawing a trace while the x-coordinate remains unchanged.
 Turtle setX(double x)
          Sets turtle to the given x-position, while the y-coordinate remains the same; if pen is down, a trace from the last to the given position is drawn.
 Turtle setXY(double x, double y)
          Sets turtle to the given coordinates; if pen is down, a trace from the last to the given position is drawn.
 Turtle setY(double y)
          Sets turtle to the given y-position, while the x-coordinate remains the same; if pen is down, a trace from the last to the given position is drawn.
 Turtle showPlayground()
          Shows the playground if it's hidden by another window.
 Turtle showTurtle()
          Makes turtle visible.
 Turtle st()
          Short for showTurtle().
 Turtle stampTurtle()
          Draws a turtle shape of same color at the current position.
 int toPixelX(double x)
          Converts from turtle x-coordinates to pixel x-coordinates.
 int toPixelY(double y)
          Converts from turtle y-coordinates to pixel y-coordinates.
 double toTurtleX(int x)
          Converts from pixel x-coordinates to turtle x-coordinates.
 double toTurtleY(int y)
          Converts from pixel y-coordinates to turtle y-coordinates.
 double towards(double x, double y)
          Returns the direction from the current to the given position in degrees (-180..180).
 java.lang.String version()
          Returns version information.
 Turtle wrap()
          Causes turtle to wrap around playground borders, e.g. when it leaves the playground on one border, it reappears on the opposite border.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected ch.aplu.gidlet.TurtleShape shape
Constructor Detail


public Turtle(Turtle t,
              java.lang.String title)
Creates a turtle clone that has exactly the same properties and traces as the given turtle, but the playground has the given title. Its playground is initially hidden and becomes the current window by calling showPlayground().

See Also:
clone(java.lang.String), showPlayground()


public Turtle(Turtle t)
Creates a turtle clone that has exactly the same properties, playground title and traces as the given turtle. Its playground is initially hidden and becomes the current window by calling showPlayground().

See Also:
clone(java.lang.String), showPlayground()


public Turtle(java.lang.String title,
              int bgColor,
              int color,
              boolean visible,
              boolean showPlayground)
Constructs a Turtle instance with given playground title, background (playground) color, turtle color and visibility.
If showPlayground = false, the turtle's window is initially invisible and must made visible by calling showPlayground(). Turtle is at position (0,0) looking north. Wrapping is off and pen is down.


public Turtle(java.lang.String title,
              int bgColor,
              int color,
              boolean visible)
Constructs a Turtle instance with given playground title, background (playground) color, turtle color and visibility.
Turtle is at position (0,0) looking north. Wrapping is off and pen is down.


public Turtle(int bgColor,
              int color,
              boolean visible)
Constructs a Turtle instance with given background (playground) color, turtle color and visibility.
Turtle is at position (0,0) looking north. Wrapping is off and pen is down.


public Turtle(int color,
              boolean visible)
Constructs a Turtle instance with default background (playground) color, given turtle color and visibility.
Turtle is at position (0,0) looking north. Wrapping is off and pen is down.


public Turtle(int color)
Constructs a Turtle instance with default background (playground) color and given turtle color.
Turtle is visible at position (0,0) looking north. Wrapping is off and pen is down.


public Turtle(boolean visible)
Constructs a Turtle instance with given visibility, default background (playground) color and default turtle color.
Turtle is at position (0,0) looking north. Wrapping is off and pen is down.


public Turtle(java.lang.String title)
Constructs a Turtle instance with given playground title, default background (playground) color and default turtle color.
Turtle is visible at position (0,0) looking north. Wrapping is off and pen is down.


public Turtle()
Constructs a Turtle instance with default background (playground) color and default turtle color.
Turtle is visible at position (0,0) looking north. Wrapping is off and pen is down.

Method Detail


protected void init()
Initializes Turtle. Called by main() if Turtle is created before main() is called.


public Turtle forward(double s)
Moves turtle the given distance forward. Returns the Turtle reference.


public Turtle fd(double s)
Short for forward().

See Also:


public Turtle back(double s)
Moves turtle the given distance backward. Returns the Turtle reference.


public Turtle bk(double s)
Short for back().

See Also:


public Turtle right(double angle)
Turns turtle the given angle (in degrees) to the right. Returns the Turtle reference.


public Turtle rt(double angle)
Short for right().

See Also:


public Turtle left(double angle)
Turns turtle the given angle (in degrees) to the left. Returns the Turtle reference.


public Turtle lt(double angle)
Short for left().

See Also:


public double getX()
Returns the x-coordinate. If wrapping is on, return the wrapped coordinate within the playground range.


public double getY()
Returns the y-coordinate. If wrapping is on, return the wrapped coordinate within the playground range.


public double _getX()
Returns the x-coordinate. Even if wrapping is on, return the unwrapped coordinate not bound to the playground range.


public double _getY()
Returns the y-coordinate. If wrapping is on, return the unwrapped coordinate not bound the playground range.


public int getColor()
Returns the turtle color.


public Turtle beep()
Emits a beep. Returns the Turtle reference.


public Turtle clean()
Erases traces and text, but let turtle where it is. Stamped turtles are erased. If the turtle is hidden, it remains hidden. Returns the Turtle reference.


public Turtle clear()
Clears the entire playground. Reset all turtle properties to starting values. Returns the Turtle reference.


public double distance(double x,
                       double y)
Returns the distance from the current position to the given position.


public double heading()
Returns the angle of vision (angle in respect to north, positive clockwise).


public Turtle hideTurtle()
Makes turtle invisible. Returns the Turtle reference.


public Turtle ht()
Short for hideTurtle().

See Also:


public boolean isHidden()
Returns true if turtle is invisible (hidden), otherwise false.


public boolean isPenUp()
Returns true if turtle's pen is up, otherwise false.


public Turtle penDown()
Lower pen, so that the trace is drawn. Returns the Turtle reference.


public Turtle pd()
Short for penDown().

See Also:


public Turtle penUp()
Lifts pen, so that the trace is not drawn. Returns the Turtle reference.


public Turtle pu()
Short for penUp().

See Also:


public Turtle setColor(int color)
Sets turtle's color to the given color. Returns the Turtle reference.


public Turtle setColor(int r,
                       int g,
                       int b)
Sets turtle's color to the given color in RGB-format. Returns the Turtle reference.


public Turtle setPenColor(int color)
Sets turtle's pen color to the given color. Returns the Turtle reference.


public Turtle setPenColor(int r,
                          int g,
                          int b)
Sets turtle's pen color to the given color in RGB-format. Returns the Turtle reference.


public Turtle penErase()
Changes pen color to the background color. Returns the Turtle reference.


public Turtle pe()
Short for penErase().

See Also:


public Turtle setHeading(double angle)
Sets the angle of vision (angle in respect to north, positive clockwise) to the given value (in degrees). Returns the Turtle reference.


public Turtle setH(double angle)
Short for setHeading().

See Also:


public Turtle setXY(double x,
                    double y)
Sets turtle to the given coordinates; if pen is down, a trace from the last to the given position is drawn. The angle of vision is not changed. Returns the Turtle reference.


public Turtle setX(double x)
Sets turtle to the given x-position, while the y-coordinate remains the same; if pen is down, a trace from the last to the given position is drawn. The angle of vision is not changed. Returns the Turtle reference.


public Turtle setY(double y)
Sets turtle to the given y-position, while the x-coordinate remains the same; if pen is down, a trace from the last to the given position is drawn. The angle of vision is not changed. Returns the Turtle reference.


public Turtle setPos(double x,
                     double y)
Sets turtle to the given coordinates, without drawing a trace. The angle of vision is not changed. Returns the Turtle reference.


public Turtle setPosX(double x)
Sets turtle to the given x-position without drawing a trace while the y-coordinate remains unchanged. The angle of vision is not changed. Returns the Turtle reference.


public Turtle setPosY(double y)
Sets turtle to the given y-position, without drawing a trace while the x-coordinate remains unchanged. The angle of vision is not changed. Returns the Turtle reference.


public Turtle showTurtle()
Makes turtle visible. Returns the Turtle reference.


public Turtle st()
Short for showTurtle().

See Also:


public double toTurtleX(int x)
Converts from pixel x-coordinates to turtle x-coordinates.


public double toTurtleY(int y)
Converts from pixel y-coordinates to turtle y-coordinates.


public int toPixelX(double x)
Converts from turtle x-coordinates to pixel x-coordinates.


public int toPixelY(double y)
Converts from turtle y-coordinates to pixel y-coordinates.


public java.lang.String version()
Returns version information.


public Turtle wrap()
Causes turtle to wrap around playground borders, e.g. when it leaves the playground on one border, it reappears on the opposite border. The turlte should not move further than to adjacent playgrounds in one single operation. Returns the Turtle reference.


public boolean isWrap()
Returns true, if turtle is in wrap mode, otherwise false.

See Also:


public Turtle clip()
Causes turtle not to wrap around playground borders, e.g. when it leaves the playground it disappaers. Returns the Turtle reference.

See Also:


public Turtle drawLabel(int index,
                        java.lang.String text)
Draws the given text using the current pen color and text font at the current turtle position. The given index is used to reference the text for erasing. If the label is already in use, the previous text is overwritten. Returns the Turtle reference.

See Also:


public Turtle eraseLabel(int index)
Erases the text with given index. If text with given index does not exist, nothing happens. Returns the Turtle reference.

See Also:
drawLabel(int, java.lang.String)


public Turtle setFont(int face,
                      int style,
                      int size)
Sets the current text font for drawing labels. If the font is changed, also existing labels are affected. Returns the Turtle reference. Default font is FACE_SYSTEM, STYLE_PLAIN, SIZE_MEDIUM)

style - Font.STYLE_PLAIN, or a combination of Font.STYLE_BOLD, Font.STYLE_ITALIC, and Font.STYLE_UNDERLINED
size - one of Font.SIZE_SMALL, Font.SIZE_MEDIUM, or Font.SIZE_LARGE
See Also:
drawLabel(int, java.lang.String)


public Turtle addKeyListener(KeyListener keyListener)
Registers an KeyListener to get a notification when a button is clicked. Returns the Turtle reference.


public Turtle removeKeyListener()
Removes a registered KeyListener. Returns the Turtle reference.


public Turtle setDelay(int time)
Sets the given time delay in ms after each turtle movement. Returns the Turtle reference.


public double towards(double x,
                      double y)
Returns the direction from the current to the given position in degrees (-180..180). Angle from north, positive clockwise.


public Turtle home()
Moves the turtle to the initial position at (0, 0) looking north. Other properties and the traces are not changed. Returns the Turtle reference.


public boolean enableRepaint(boolean b)
Enables/disables automatic updating the window after each turtle movement. If disabled, call repaint() to perform manual repainting. Disabling speeds up program execution enormously. Returns true, if repainting is currently enabled, otherwise false.

See Also:


public Turtle repaint()
Performs manual repainting when automatic repainting is disabled. Returns the Turtle reference.

See Also:


public Turtle setFillColor(int color)
Sets the color for subsequent filling. Returns the Turtle reference.

See Also:
fillToPoint(double, double), fillToHorizontal(double), fillToVertical(double)


public Turtle setFillColor(int r,
                           int g,
                           int b)
Sets the color in RGB-format for subsequent filling. Returns the Turtle reference.

See Also:
fillToPoint(double, double), fillToHorizontal(double), fillToVertical(double)


public Turtle fillToPoint(double x,
                          double y)
Attachs a imaginary rubber band at the given position, when the turtle subsequently moves around, the area that is covered by the rubber band is filled using the current fill color. Filling is on until fillOff() is called. Returns the Turtle reference.


public Turtle fillToHorizontal(double y)
Draws a imaginary horizonatal line at given y-coordinate, when the turtle subsequently moves around, the trapezoidal area that is covered by this line and the turtle position is filled using the current fill color. Filling is on until fillOff() is called. Returns the Turtle reference.


public Turtle fillToVertical(double x)
Draws a imaginary vertical line at given x-coordinate, when the turtle subsequently moves around, the trapezoidal area that is covered by this line and the turtle position is filled using the current fill color. Filling is on until fillOff() is called. Returns the Turtle reference.


public Turtle fillOff()
Stops the filling started by calling fillToPoint(), fillToHorizontal() or fillToVertical(). Returns the Turtle reference.

See Also:
fillToPoint(double, double), fillToHorizontal(double), fillToVertical(double)


public Turtle showPlayground()
Shows the playground if it's hidden by another window. The turtle's playground may be hidden, because another turtle's playground or some other Gui window became the current window.


public Turtle clone(java.lang.String title)
Creates a new turtle that has exactly the same properties and traces, but the given playground title. Its playground is initially hidden and becomes the current window by calling showPlayground. The given title is the title of the new playground. Returns the reference to the new turtle.


public Turtle clone()
Creates a new turtle that has exactly the same properties, playground title and traces. Its playground is initially hidden and becomes the current window by calling showPlayground. Returns the reference to the new turtle.


public Turtle stampTurtle()
Draws a turtle shape of same color at the current position. This shape will remain at this position when the turtle moves away. Returns the Turtle reference.


public Playground getPlayground()
Returns the turtle's playground, which is an instance of javax.microedition.lcdui.Canvas. Useful for low level operations, e.g. checking key events with getPlayground().getGameAction(keyCode).