Module btpycom :: Class BTClient
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Class BTClient

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Class that represents a Bluetooth socket based client. To connect a client via Bluetooth, the Bluetooth MAC address (12 hex characters) and the Bluetooth port (channel) of the server must be known (server info). All other server information is irrelevant (Bluetooth friendly name, Bluetooth service name), but the server info may be retrieved by a Bluetooth search from the server name or the service name.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, stateChanged, isVerbose=False)
Creates a Bluetooth client prepared for a connection with a BTServer.
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sendMessage(self, msg)
Sends the information msg to the server (as String, the character (ASCII 0) serves as end of string indicator, it is transparently added and removed).
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connect(self, serverInfo, timeout)
Performs a connection trial to the server with given serverInfo.
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_connect(self, serverInfo) source code
findServer(self, serverName, timeout)
Perform a device inquiry for the given server name.
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_inquireMAC(self) source code
findService(self, serviceName, timeout)
Perform a service inquiry for the given service name.
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_inquireService(self) source code
disconnect(self, endOfTransmission="")
Closes the connection with the server.
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Returns True of client is connnected to the server.
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Returns the Bluetooth MAC address in format "nn:nn:nn:nn:nn::nn"
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Returns the Bluetooth channel.
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Static Methods [hide private]
debug(msg) source code
Returns the library version.
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Class Variables [hide private]
  isVerbose = False
Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, stateChanged, isVerbose=False)

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Creates a Bluetooth client prepared for a connection with a BTServer. The client uses an internal handler thread to detect incoming messages. State changes invoke the callback onStateChanged(state, msg) where state is one of the following strings: "CONNECTING", "CONNECTION_FAILED", "DISCONNECTED", "MESSAGE". msg is a string with additional information: CONNECTING: serverInfo, CONNECTED: serverInfo, CONNECTION_FAILED: serverInfo, DISCONNECTED: empty, MESSAGE: message received

  • stateChanged - the callback function to register
  • isVerbose - if true, debug messages are written to System.out

sendMessage(self, msg)

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Sends the information msg to the server (as String, the character (ASCII 0) serves as end of string indicator, it is transparently added and removed).

  • msg - the message to send

connect(self, serverInfo, timeout)

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Performs a connection trial to the server with given serverInfo. If the connection trial fails, it is repeated until the timeout is reached.

  • serverInfo - a tuple ("nn:nn:nn:nn:nn:nn", channel) with the Bluetooth MAC address string (12 hex characters, upper or lower case, separated by :) and Bluetooth channel (integer), e.g. ("B8:27:EB:04:A6:7E", 1)

findServer(self, serverName, timeout)

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Perform a device inquiry for the given server name. The Bluetooth channel is not inquired, always assumed to be 1.

  • timeout - the maximum time in seconds to search
a tuple with the Bluetooth MAC address and the Bluetooth channel 1; None if inquiry failed

findService(self, serviceName, timeout)

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Perform a service inquiry for the given service name.

  • timeout - the maximum time in seconds to search
a tuple with the Bluetooth MAC address and the Bluetooth channel; None if inquiry failed

disconnect(self, endOfTransmission="")

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Closes the connection with the server. The endOfTransmission message is sent to the server to notify disconnection.

  • endOfTransmission - the message sent to the server (appended by ) Default: "", None: no notification sent


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Returns True of client is connnected to the server.

True, if the connection is established

Static Method

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Returns the library version.

the current version of the library