
Installation of the Gidlet library with NetBeans IDE:

  1. Download the latest version of Java SE from Look at the homepage for ->Popular downloads -> Java SE.

  2. Install the JDK in any folder (below called <jdkroot>).

  3. Add the <jdkroot>/bin directory to the application path environment variable. (You should be able to call java, javac, jar from within a command shell.)

  4. Download the the latest version of NetBeans (version 6.5 or higher) from Select a bundle that contains Java ME.

  5. Install NetBeans by following the installation guidelines.

  6. Download the latest version of the Gidlet distribution from and unpack the zip archive in any folder.

  7. Copy gidlet.jar in any folder, e.g. c:\jars.

  8. Check your installation by creating a first gidlet. Select File | New Project and choose Jave ME in the Categories pane and Mobile Application in the Projects pane. Press Next. Enter a project name, e.g. TestGidlet. Uncheck Set as Main Project and Create Hello MIDlet. Press Finish. The new project is added in the Projects pane.

  9. In the Projects pane right-click on TestGidlet and select
    New | MIDlet.

  10. Choose the MIDlet Name and the MIDP Class Name, e.g. MyGidlet and press Finish. The template code opens in the editor window.

  11. Modify the code, e.g. as follows


    import ch.aplu.gidlet.*;

    public class MyGidlet extends Gidlet
      public void main()
        MPanel p = new MPanel();
        p.move(0.5, 0.5);

  12. In the Projects pane right-click on TestGidlet and select Properties. Many J2ME specific options are displayed.

    Choose Libraries & Resources, then press Add Jar/Zip and select gidlet.jar in the folder where you put it in (e.g. c:\jars). Press OK.

  13. Select Application Descriptor in the Category pane and select the MIDlets tab. Click Edit and make sure that the MIDlet Name and the MIDlet Class is MyGidlet.

  14. Press OK to close the properties window.

  15. Right-click on the project name and select Run. The project is compiled, preverified and built and the Default Color Phone should appear. Click the button below the Launch label. A black circle should be drawn.

  16. Consult the Java documentation of class www.aplu.gidlet.MPanel and play around with some other simple examples.

  17. You may adapt the MIDlet template to your needs by selecting Tools | Templates | MIDP | MIDlet and clicking on Open in Editor. Change the text, follows

    // ${name}.java

    <#if package?? && package != "">
    package ${package};

    import ch.aplu.gidlet.*;

    public class ${name} extends Gidlet
      public void main()


If you do not need all classes in gidlet.jar, just extract them in order
to keep your MIDlet jar as small as possible. To further optimize it,
use the optimizer/obfuscator by selecting the Obfuscation Level in the Properties window (under Build | Obfuscating).

The distribution .jar/.jad can be found in the subdirectory dist of the current project directory.

The Gidlet distribution contains many typical examples. Study and execute them in order to gain a deeper insight in the Gidlet framework.

In any case, if you have a problem or merely a question, send an e-mail to

or post a FAQ at